19th March 2017



12th March  2017

Fr. Ciaran Feeney Adm.  191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.

Phone – 028 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net


Facebook: www.facebook.com/stcolmcilleschurch


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3rd  week of Lent

Readings : Sunday Cycle A,  Psalter Week 3


Entrance  Antiphon Of you my heart has spoken : Seek his face. It is your face,       O Lord, that I seek; hide not your face from me.
1st Reading The call of Abraham, father of the people of God.

Genesis 12: 1 -4

Psalm May your love be upon us O Lord,  as we place all our 

hope in you.      Psalm 32

2nd Reading   God calls and enlightens us.    2 Timothy 1 : 8-10
Acclamation Glory and praise to you, O Christ! From the bright cloud the Father’s voice was heard: “This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.” Glory and praise to you, O Christ!
Gospel His face shone like the sun.

Matthew 17: 1-9

Children Jesus went up to a high mountain. His face shone like the sun and his clothes shone brightly. A voice called “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him”.
Communion Antiphon This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased;                        listen to him.

MASS TIMES        Saturday: 6.30pm

Sunday: 9.30am; 11.30am

Monday to Friday: 7.15am; 9.30am




EUCHARISTIC   Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 9.30am

ADORATION       & Chapel of Adoration: Monday & Tuesday,  2.00pm – 9.00pm




We pray for the repose of the souls of all those who have died recently, especially Kathleen Corbet and Helen O’Kane.0.


We also remember all those whose anniversaries

occur at this time of year especially:


Bella Logue, Elizabeth Logue, John Logue, Willie Logue,

Bernard Neeson, and Peter Neeson



Pope Francis personally chose Dublin to be the host diocese for the World Meeting of Families from 22th -26th August 2018.


Planning for this great national and international celebration of faith is well underway. A dedicated office and support team has been established and later this year a nationwide programme of talking about the family will begin with an emphasis on Pope Francis’ teaching and reflections. The World Meeting of Families promises to be an occasion that will reflect on the faith experience of families from many parts of the world as well as on the challenges and celebrations which characterise the ups and downs of day-to-day family life


Our own parish will join in this great celebration by hosting events and activities in the coming months.


PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL                                                                           Additional readers of the Prayers of the Faithful, aged 11 – 16 years, are being trained at present on Sundays, from 10.30am – 11.10am. Please contact Noeleen for enquiries on 07879 498131

SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER GROUP                                                                          Our next meeting will be this Tuesday 21st March at 8.00pm in the Committee Room. Reflections will be on 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent.

WELCOME MINISTRY                                                                                 If you could volunteer to be part of the parish Greeters’ Team please come to an Informtion Evening with Jim Deeds, Living Church, this Tuesday 21st March: 7.00pm – 8.30pm.

OFFERTORY ENVELOPES FOR THE NEW YEAR                                                 New boxes of envelopes, will be in the foyer of the Church this weekend.  The envelopes begin on Sunday 9th April. If you wish to contribute by Standing Order or by envelopes and do not do so currently, please speak to Philomena after any of the Masses this weekend.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT  –  we can be contacted on

07456 989458



Weekly Offering Cash Collection and Standing Orders: £1908.56

Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections last weekend.  The Collection for Needy Parishes will be taken up at all Masses next weekend.

St Colmcille’s first Parish Draw for 2017 is due to take place in the next few weeks.  It’s still not too late to enter, it costs £10 for one line, which enters you into every draw, over the next 10 months.

The more lines you have the better chance to win. If you are interested in taking part please speak to any member of the Social & Fundraising Committee or drop your details along with payment into the Parish Office.  Or contact Roisin McMullan on 07854 140019; Lucy Traynor on 07900 807589 or Mary Walsh on 07815 493463. Good Luck.




The next session looks at the Biblical roots of the Liturgy of the Word, from the First Reading to the Prayers of the Faithful. Everyone is welcome on this

Wednesday 22nd March, 8.00pm – 9.00pm and Friday (repeat) 24th March, 10.00am – 11.00am in the Iona Room, Parochial Hall..


St Vincent De Paul Society have placed boxes in the Church porch to collect food stuffs etc, from parishioners for the Larder, the food bank attached to St Christopher’s Church, Mersey St, who help many of our clients who are in severe poverty. Please participate for the season of Lent.

EASTER OUTREACH                                                                                       Outreach Ministers should collect their set of envelopes next weekend 25th/ 26th March, in the Church Porch.

APOSTOLIC WORK LENTEN LUNCH                                                             Thanks to all who supported this event on March 5th and to those who contributed to our church door collection.  We appreciate the help of the scouts who put out the furniture for the event,  We raised over £1600 for the Missions, thus benefiting the work of Missionaries and the lives of those whom they serve.