21st June 2015

VOL. 23 NO. 30   21ST JUNE 2015

Father Ciaran Feeney Adm.  191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.

Phone – 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net

E-mail: stcolmcilles@downandconnor.org

St.  Joseph’s Primary School – www.stjosephsps.co.uk   Phone – 9065 0039

St Colmcille’s Pre school – www.stcolmcilles-preschool.co.uk.  Phone – 9047 2724


12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – (Page 738, 452 & 499)

12th Week in Ordinary Time

Readings : Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 1, Psalter Week 4



The Lord is the strength of his people, a saving refuge for the one he has anointed.  Save your people, Lord, and bless your hertiage, and govern them for ever.
1st Reading (Job 38:1, 8-11)  Here your proud waves shall break.
Psalm O give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures for ever.
2nd Reading (2 Corinthians 5:14-17)  Now the new creation is here.
Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia!  May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us.  Alleluia!
Gospel (Mark 4:35-41)   Who can this be?  Even the wind and the sea obey him.
Children Jesus and his friends were in a boat when a storm blew up and the boat was about to sink.  Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat, so his friends woke him and he stood up and told the wind to be quiet and the waves to be still.  The wind died down and there was great calm.


The eyes of all look to you, Lord, and you give them their food in due season.    



Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Josie McMillan

T M George




Josie McMillan


Sean Coyle


Paul McKeown


Anne Hughes

Anointing of the Sick

Confessions at 6.00pm 11.30am

Nancy Quinlan




Would those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.




The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome.  The next Baptismal Course takes place on Tuesday 18th August in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.


FIRST FRIDAY – Father Ciaran will attend the sick and housebound in the parish this Tuesday.

SUMMER MASS TIMES  –  there will be one Mass on a Sunday morning at 11.00am during the months of July and August, starting Sunday 5th July

PARISH BULLETIN  –  next Sunday will be the last bulletin until Sunday 30th August.  There will be a one page information sheet available during July and August.

SUMMER CHILDREN’S WEEK – application forms for the children’s holiday bible week ‘Under the Big Top’, from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th August, for 4 – 8 year olds,  are available in the Church Porch and from colmcilleyouth@yahoo.co.uk

BOOKING OF PAROCHIAL HALL  –  hall users are reminded that if they cancel a booking they must notify Pat so that the Hall can be allocated to another user.

MONEY MATTERS                        

Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION  –  will be taken up at all Masses this weekend.  This collection was started centuries ago to provide financial support for the Pope and has evolved as a resource to fund the Holy See’s charitable actions for those in need. The Peter’s Pence Collection is used by the Pope to support special charitable projects in developing countries as well as defraying expenses of the work of the Church. ‘Peter’s Pence’ is the most characteristic expression of the participation of all the faithful in the Bishop of Rome’s charitable initiatives in favour of the universal Church. The Pope, being Pastor of the whole Church, is attentive to the material needs of poor dioceses, religious institutes and of faithful in grave difficulties (the poor, children, the elderly, those marginalized and the victims of war or natural disasters; concrete aid to Bishops or dioceses in need, Catholic education, assistance to refugees and immigrants, etc.).


We pray for the repose of the souls of Josie McMillan, Paul McKeown  and  Jim Quigg who died recently.  We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:

Nancy Quinlan,  T M George,  Sean Coyle  and  Anne Hughes  .

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT  –  we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458.  Our members are Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan and Lucy Traynor.


CLONARD NOVENA – continues to this Thursday.  Leaflets giving all times and details of services are available in the porch.  Please take one home with you.   The Solemn Novena in Clonard is for the whole family and community, young and old – for those who believe and those in doubt – for those who are rejoicing and those who are struggling – for those who hope and those who despair.   Visit Clonard website for times of  Novena sessions.  Watch Live on webcam on  Web site: www.clonard.com Follow on Twitter & Facebook

FAMILY MASS – this Sunday at 9.30am, to celebrate the blessings of a successful year of the Ministry of Children’s Liturgy. There will also be a ceremony for commissioning of new young readers for the Prayers of the Faithful during Mass.

COMMISSIONING  –  of young people to read the Prayers of the Faithful, will take place at the 9.30am Mass this weekend. The parish welcomes into this ministry – Fodhla Beard, Rone Cyriac, Delvia Dominic, Donal Dominic, Donald Dominic, Kate Greene, Jamie Mc Conville, Sandra Saji, Nihal Shaji and Josh Vance.

SCHOOL LEAVERS MASS  –  at the 9.30am Mass this Tuesday.  All parishioners are welcome to join the school for the Mass and refreshments in school afterwards.

SUMMER VOLUNTEERS – meeting for young adult volunteers, with  the ‘Under the Big Top’ children’s holiday bible week is this Thursday at 7.00pm in the Parochial Hall. Additional volunteers aged 18+ are particularly welcome. Please contact Noeleen on 078 7949 8131.

Curry-Céilí Night –  will be held this Friday at 7.30pm in the Parochial Hall.  Admission £15 and includes Indian Curry/Irish Stew. Please support this event in aid of St. Colmcille’s/Gilnahirk India 2015 Project.  B.Y.O. refreshments.


IRISH DANCE SUMMER CAMP  –  from Monday 10th to Friday 14th August.  Each day from 9.45am to 12.30pm in the Parochial Hall, Open to all.  For both experienced and beginner Irish Dancers.  For more information or Booking form contact Nicola Oakes on 077 1892 7242 or email: leonardnicola@hotmail.com

PARISH RETREAT AT DRUMALIS  –  will take place from Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th September. For further details please ring Pat on 9067 1036.


Diocesan Pilgrimage to Luxeuil, Bregenz, St Gallen & Bobbio  –  to mark the Year of St Columbanus, Bishop Noel Treanor will lead a Diocesan Pilgrimage to sites associated with St Columbanus – Luxeuil, Bregenz, St Gallen and Bobbio from 24th to 31st August.  Anyone interested in taking part in the Pilgrimage is asked to contact Kieran Troy  on 00 353 5793 55050.

Bangor Colloquium   –  Part 2 will take place in Luxeuil from Thursday 17th until Saturday 19th September.  Part 3 will be held in Bobbio from Saturday 21st until Sunday 22nd November.  The title of the Bangor Colloquium is “Making Europe: Columbanus and his Legacy”.


Ballyhackamore Library’s Knit and Natter group  –  they meet from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in the main library every Monday.  All new members need to do is come along with whatever project they are completing.

Traditional Irish Music Workshop –  from 1st to 3rd July for all traditional instruments at all levels for children under the age of 18.  Classes will be held at St Columbanus College, Bangor from 10.00am to 1.00pm.  For more info please contact Niall McClean at 079 6007 2218.

All Ireland Rally for Life  –  coaches will be leaving Glengall Street, Belfast for the massive All Ireland Rally for Life to be held in Dublin on Saturday 4th July. Holy Mass will be offered before the Rally in St Saviour’s Priory, Dominic St. Book your seat NOW and make a difference for Ireland’s unborn children. For further details, please contact Gemma on 07793018805 or alternatively the Rally for Life Committee on 9027 8484 or emailinfo@preciouslife.com.

St Dominic’s Summer Activity Camp  – from 27th to 31st July from 10.00am to 3.00pm.  Cost £60.  Girls 8 to 14 years old. Each day participants will be involved in Games, Arts & Crafts and Drama. Lots of fun to be had. Closing date, Friday 3rd July. Contact: 9032 0081.

WORLD WAR II EVACUATION DAY CELEBRATIONS  –  to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the evacuations from Belfast by the B.& C.D.R. Museum from Bloomfield to Comber by Railway.  For more information and registration froms contact the Museum Trust on 033 3344 1848 or email info@bcdr.co.uk.

  1. PETER’S FOLLOWERS OF THE CROSS – annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 7th to 12th October.  Spiritual Director – Rev. Patrick McCafferty.  Fare – £599 per person inclusive of Belfast/Lourdes return flights, full board accommodation and all taxes.  For bookings and further information please contact James Hyndman on 9032 7218, Julieanne Hughes on 9024 6901 or Jimmy Barr on 90249745.

Tobar Mhuire Annual Summer Institute –  from 1st to 3rd July.  “Radical Hopefulness”  This year’s Summer Institute at Tobar Mhuire is an opportunity for reflection upon what it means to keep hope alive in contemporary society. Fr Robin Ryan CP, a Passionist from Chicago Theological Union, and Rev Ruth Patterson, a person known and respected by all of us will lead us as we explore the meaning of radical hopefulness in each of our lives.  Costs: £30 per day or £80 for 3 days (Includes lunch and talks). For further information or to book your place: Contact Tobar Mhuire on 8448 3044 Email: secretary@tobarmhuirecrossgar.com.

Diploma in Pastoral Theology  –  Do you want to study and reflect on Christian life and ministry and the way ordained and lay ministry complement each other?  Would you like to combine a comprehensive study programme with the acquisition of new skills and supervised practical experience of ministry?  Are you willing to listen and to share the journey with others?  If your answers are “yes”, perhaps the Diploma in Pastoral Theology is for you.  Coursework  is appraised on a continuous assessment basis. There are no exams.  The course is worth 60 ECTS points (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).  For more information please contact Maura Burns at 028 28276455 or visit the Drumalis website, www.drumalis.co.uk