2nd February


VOL. 22 NO. 10  2ND FEBRUARY 2014


Father Ciaran Feeney Adm.   191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.  Tel. 9065 4157.   Website: www.st-colmcilles.net  E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com










Kenneth Mains & Bill Knox


Danny Barclay


Eucharistic Prayer Service


Eucharistic Prayer Service


Eucharistic Prayer Service


Eucharistic Prayer Service

Confessions at 6.00pm









Confirmation will be celebrated in the parish

at 11.30am Mass this Sunday. 
















Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.



“Come Holy Spirit; fill the hearts of your faithful.”

Confirmation is a time of Christian commitment and renewal, a time of courage and growth.  How appropriate that Confirmation in this parish usually occurs at the beginning of Spring, a time of new life, a time of year when plants have the courage to show their roots above the cold hard ground.

This Sunday we celebrate the conferring of the Sacrament of Confirmation on young people of our parish.  The visiting prelate is Bishop Donal McKeown and we welcome him to St. Colmcille’s.  This is an occasion of great joy for the whole parish.  It is a time for all of us to renew our commitment to our Christian calling.

Today we pray that the Holy Spirit will come into the lives of all who are asking to be confirmed in their faith.  We pray for: Harsha Abraham, Molly Atkins, Marielle Braga, Maverick James Kingston F Bungay, Tiernan Byrne, Shelby Lane Camilo, Niamh Collins, Ben Cunningham, Matthew Dawson, Abi Dynan, Adrian Escartin, Ronan Geoghegan, Lucy Gilfedder, Gareth Gibson, Connor Harkin, Natalia Karpinska, Brandon Logronio, JB Manticahon, Ben McAteer, Dillon McMullan, Dylan McMahon, Eamonn McPeake, Margaret McQuillan, Gosia Mlynarczyk, Ben Napier, James Napier, Rhys O’Mahony-Truesdale, Cezary Radulski, Cara Sinclair, Ellen Small, Ben Strahan, Tenson Thomas, Joshua Vance and Claire Whiteside

“Send forth your Holy Spirit and they shall be created,

and you shall renew the face of the Earth.”


St Colmcilles has set up a Bereavement Support group to be present for and to listen to anyone suffering bereavement after a death, regardless of how long ago the death occurred. The group is here for all, regardless of culture, faith or no faith and is made up of nine parishioners who have all been trained by NI Hospice professionals; on-going training and guidance will continue with the Hospice team.  If you wish to know more about Bereavement Support please telephone us on 074 5698 9458 or complete a Request form and place in the Bereavement Support Box situated at the back of the Church and one of the group will make contact with you. The members of the group are: Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan, Lucy Traynor.


INTERCESSORY PRAYER TEAM  –  is a small group who meet on a weekly basis to add their voices to yours, presenting your needs to God. Requests for prayer can be made by completing a Petition Slip and placing in the  Prayer Request Box, both of which can be found in Our Lady’s Prayer Space, or by emailing colmcilleprayer@yahoo.co.uk.  All requests are treated with the strictest confidence and you can make your request anonymously if you wish.

A SEVEN DAY CANDLE  – burns continuously at Our Lady’s Prayer Space in the Sanctuary for the intentions of a sponsor. Candles cost £5 each and this offering should be placed in the box in the wall when you light your candle.

DOWN & CONNOR DIOCESAN DIRECTORY  –  copies of the Down & Connor Diocesan Directory, price £3.00, are on sale at the back of the Church. Please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes.

EVANGELII GAUDIUM  –  “The Joy of the Gospel” by Pope Francis, copies of the book are at the back of the Church.  Price £5 each, please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes.

TRAINING – for young people who would like to join the Prayer of the Faithful rota begins on Wednesday 12th February in the Hall. Enquiries to Noeleen 078 7949 8131.

HOLY HOUR  –  this Thursday evening from 7.00pm to 8.00pm in St. Peter’s Cathedral to thank God for the gift of the Eucharist and to pray for priests and vocations.  All are most welcome.

BAPTISM  –  we welcome into the parish Tobias Gal who was baptised in St. Colmcilles last weekend.

DECEASED –   We pray for the repose of the souls of Pat Morris, a parishioner, who died last weekend, Laura McDowell; a parishioner, who died on Wednesday; Noel O’Hare, a parihsioner, who died on Thursday; Olga Hughes, a former parishioner, who died recently; Antonio Logronio, the father of a parishioner, who died last weekend and for Tom O’Gorman, who died recently.  We also remember Kenneth Mains and Bill Knox, whose month’s mind occurs this weekend and for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:

Arthur McBrinn,  Annie Price,  Paddy O’Callaghan,  Patricia O’Callaghan,  Len Martin,  Francis Martin,  Mr Wilson,  Mrs Wilson, Marcelino Dumalagan,

James Owens,  John Wilson  and Ivy Smyth.


Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

Monthly Offertory Collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend.


VOCATION WEEKEND – A Vocation Weekend for Students and young men will take place in Drumalis Retreat House, Larne from Friday 14th to Sunday 16th February.  The Weekend is for anyone who is thinking about the possibility of a Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life.  Anyone interested should contact Fr. John Murray St. Michael’s Presbytery, 200 Finaghy Road North, Belfast BT11 9EG or phone 9091 3761 for further information.  You can also email Fr John at mail@frmurray.co.uk.

DISCERNING VOCATIONS – a retreat for young women who are considering their vocation in the Church – a look at married life, the single life, lay missionary work, the religious life, consecrated life in the world and the contemplative life. Venue: Drumalis Retreat House, Larne on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March. Cost: a donation is acceptable. If interested contact the Diocesan Vocation Director: Fr. John Murray at 9091 3761 or email: mail@frmurray.co.uk or also contact Mags Tierney at 075 3741 4387 (text only) or magstierney08@gmail.com.


ST. BRIGID’S CROSSES  –  St. Brigid’s Crosses will be available after all Masses this weekend.  Donation requested £1.  All money goes to Third World Charities

SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION –  will take place this Sunday at 11.30am Mass.

BALLYHACKAMORE GOLF SOCIETY  –  will hold their Annual General Meeting this Sunday in the Iona Room of the Parochial Hall at 4.00pm.  All members are welcome to attend. New members will also be welcomed. Further information is available from Peter 907 63822.

APOSTOLIC WORK  –  next meeting will be this Tuesday evening at 8.00pm in the Iona Room.

SPECIAL MASS FOR THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND  –  each year we mark the World Day of the Sick by holding a special liturgy. The sick and housebound in the parish, together with their families and carers are invited to Mass, in the Church next Saturday at 6.30p.m.  We hope to be able to provide transport so that people will get the opportunity to join us for Mass. If you require transport contact Mary Walsh at 078 1549 3463 or Marina McConville on 077 7563 2066.   After the Mass, there will be refreshments served in the Parochial Hall for the sick and their carers.

DTIM  – The ‘Do This In Memory of Me’ pre sacramental programme for children preparing for the sacrament of Holy Communion, will take place at the 9.30am Mass next Sunday.

ST. JOSEPH’S PTA  –  are holding their annual fundraising cake sale in the Parochial Hall, next Sunday, after 9.30am and 11.30am Masses.  Everyone welcome.  Come and join us! Buy some treats and have a cuppa and a catch up with your fellow parishioners. All proceeds will go directly to improving the educational experiences of the pupils at the school. Donations of buns/cakes also welcome.  Contact Louise on 079 9070 0169.


PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL  –  will meet on Tuesday 11th February at 7.30pm




IN THE FOOTSEPS OF ST. PAUL  –  Fr Paddy Delargy, All Saints Parish, Ballymena proposes to organize a pilgrimage in April or September/October 2014 flying Dublin Instanbul or Dublin Antalya.   To express interest contact All Saints Parish Office 2564 1515.

HEARING LOSS?  –  Action on Hearing loss runs a free Hear to Meet group at Harvester House Court, 4-8 Adelaide Street, Belfast.  The next session is scheduled for this Friday from 10.30am to 12.30pm. If you’re over 55 and have a hearing loss, come along, and make new friends by meeting other people who understand what it is like to live with hearing loss and enjoy activities. We’ll be happy to meet you!

BEING SURPRISED BY JOY  –  re-inhabiting the Earth Spring Conference in Drumalis from this Friday to next Sunday.  We are delighted to have Mary Colwell as the keynote speaker for this annual environmental conference. Mary is an award winning television producer, feature writer for “The Tablet” and consultant on the relationship between religion and the natural world.   It is possible to attend on a residential or non-residential basis for the full weekend and there is also the opportunity to attend for the day only on Saturday. For further details or to book a place, please contact Drumalis on 2827 2196 or 2827 6455.  Booking forms can also be downloaded from www.drumalis.co.uk

BELFAST PIONEER REGION  –  the AGM of the Belfast Pioneer Regional Council will take place in Clonard Monastery at 3.00pm next Sunday.   All adult Pioneers are welcome to come along and have their say about Pioneer affairs within the Belfast Region.  Please come along and help shape the future of the Belfast Pioneer Council

CURIOUS CHRISTIANS  – plan to look at “How do we read the Bible”, with particular reference to the book of Isaiah. Bill Boyd will lead our thinking, and it would be useful to have read Chapter 28 before we arrive.  We meet at 8.00pm in the Stye Brae Centre, Gilnahirk, on Monday 10th February and all will be welcome.

GILNAHIRK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH  – Women’s Guild Concert with the ‘Contact Singers’ will be held at 7.45pm on Wednesday 12th February in the Church Hall.  Tickets £10 (including supper) are available from the Church Office Tuesday to Friday mornings on 9040 3589).

HELP IMPROVE LIFE FOR PEOPLE WITH PARKINSONS  –  give time, get inspired.  Volunteers are vital to our work and make a real difference to everyone living with Parkinson’s in the Belfast area.  Join us today and you will be part of a team with full training to carry out your role. You will also have a dedicated person to support you and receive out of pocket expenses.  For more information on the volunteer roles available and an application pack contact Paula Mc Larnon, Branch and Volunteer Support, 0844 225 3684 or email pmclarnon@parkinsons.org.uk

PRAXIS CARE  –  has received funding to offer a Befriending Service within the Belfast Trust area to individuals who face social isolation as a result of their mental ill health.  This service is delivered by trained volunteers who meet up with their Praxis Care friend approximately once a week to go for a coffee, out for a walk, to an event – anything that will help reduce the isolation felt by the individual. We are now recruiting volunteers to get involved with this vital work in our community, do you know anyone that would make an excellent Befriending volunteer?  More and more people around us feel isolated and lonely, this is one way to reduce that and make a difference in our local community.  For more information contact Catherine on 9072 7161 or catherinelittle@praxiscare.org.uk