VOL. 24 NO. 32 3rd July 2016
Fr. Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.
Phone – 028 9065 4157. Website:
E-mail –
St. Joseph’s Primary School – Phone – 9065 0039
St Colmcille’s Pre School – Phone – 9047 2724
14th week in Ordinary Time
Readings : Sunday Cycle C, Weekday Cycle 2, Psalter Week 2
Entrance Antiphon | Your merciful love, O God, We have received in the midst of your temple.
Your praise, O God, like your name, Reaches the ends of the earth; Your right hand is filled with saving justice |
1st Reading | (Isaiah 66:10-14) Towards her I send flowing peace, like a river.
Psalm | (Psalm 65) Cry out with joy to God all the earth
2nd Reading | (Galatians 6:14-18) The marks on my body are those of the Lord Jesus
Acclamation | Alleluia, alleluia! I call you friends, says the Lord,
Because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father. Alleluia! |
Gospel | (Luke 10:1-12. 17-20) Your peace will rest on that man |
Children | Jesus sends seventy-two people ahead of him, to help spread the Good News. He tells them to travel light, to eat what they are given, and to heal the sick. They come back and tell Jesus with delight how well everything has gone. |
Communion Antiphon | (Psalm 33:9) Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed the man who seeks refuge in him |
Summer Mass Times for July and August will begin this weekend:
Saturday 6.30pm | Sunday 11.00am Vera Fay |
There will be no weekday Masses during the month of July.
Please see flyer for details of Mass times in other Churches, available in the Church Porch.
We pray for the repose of the souls of Issac Jordan and John Moore, relatives of parishioners who have died recently and also Maura McCourt (nee Walsh)
a former parishioneer, who died recently.
We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:
Vera Fay
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT – we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458.
Monday and Tuesday from 2.00pm to 9.00pm
in the Chapel of Adoration.
Entrance is from the outside door at the left side of the Church.
- Putting faith into action.
- Authentic witness of our belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
- A practical way of giving God adoration.
- To show gratitude to Our Lord Jesus for our redemption.
- Petitioning God for the needs of the parish and its people!
ADORATION– More Volunteers are required on Mondays and Tuesdays to cover the hourly slots: 4.00pm-5.00pm; 5.00pm–6.00pm; 6.00pm-7.00pm. Volunteer slips are available at the back of the Church and completed ones can be left in the Bulletin box. Please consider giving an hour to Jesus in his Sacrament and receive the blessings that flow from this.
STANDBY LIST – If you cannot commit on a regular basis but are willing to be contacted to stand in for an Adorer from time to time please put your name and telephone number on the Standby List found in the Adoration Chapel and the back of the Church.
ROTA – It would be very much appreciated if you could kindly find a family member or friend to cover your hour when you are not available to come to Adoration.
CHAPEL OF ADORATION – Those who still wish to contribute to setting up this Chapel of Adoration may do so. Envelopes and slips can be found on the table at the back of the Church and returned to the parish office or placed in the Offertory collection baskets.
CLOSED – The Adoration Chapel will be closed on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th July.
‘‘Indeed this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in him, shall have eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day”
(John 6: 40)
PARISH OFFICE – The office is open from Monday to Thursday 10.00am to 12.30pm – however we will be closed on Friday 8th, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th reopening on Wednesday 13th July as normal.
YOUTH PROGRAMME – Going For Gold: Monday 8th – Friday 12th August (fully booked); Lisburn Leisureplex; Monday 15th August; Tayto Park, Wednesday 17th August; Vertigo Trampoline Park; Friday 19th August. Enquries to Noeleen 078 7949 8131/ Forms available in Church Porch
LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME – running alongside the children’s Going For Gold scheme there will be a leadership training programme for young people aged 14 – 18 years. Additional adult volunteers over 18 years of age are also needed for Going For Gold. Please consider helping on some or all of the dates on the mornings of: Monday 18th– Friday 12th August. Please contact Noeleen on 078 7949 8131/
HALL BOOKINGS – Pat will not be available to take bookings for the Hall until Monday 5th of September.
WEEKLY OFFERING – Cash Collection and Standing Order £ 1708.82
Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.
THE MONTHLY STIPEND – will be taken up at all Masses this weekend
YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL – Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary from Thursday 7th to Sunday 10th July. This is a four day celebration of faith for young people aged 16 to 35 years. There is an action packed programme of inspiring talks, workshops, testimonies, prayer, music, drama and much more. The festival is donation only. Free buses available from all around Ireland. For more information and to book online, see
IRISH DANCE SUMMER SCHEME – from Monday 1st to Friday 5th August in St. Colmcille’s Parochial Hall from 9.45am to 12.30pm. Fun week of Irish dance for all, both experienced and beginner Irish Dancers welcome. Cost £55 per week. To book a place or enquire contact Nicola Oakes on or 077 1892 7242.
- PATRICK’S CHURCH – in aid of their restoration project, are hosting a Free Admission, Festival of Choirs this Wednesday 6th July, 7:30pm with a retiring collection.
The next Baptismal Course takes place on Tuesday 16th August
in the Iona Room, Parochial Hall from 8.00pm to 9.30pm. Please contact the Parish Office to register attendance or make enquiries.
SUMMER GRADUATION MASSES – Queen’s Univeristy, Belfast Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated on each day during the Graduation celebrations, in the Catholic Chaplaincy, 28 Elmwood Avenue, BT9 61Y, until Wednesday 6th (Sunday excluded) at 12:45pm. All graduates, their families and friends are most welcome to attend. There will be tea and coffee served after the Mass.
PATHWAYS – Adult Faith Devlopment course, two years part-time, starting October at Drumalis, Larne. Enquires to 028 2827 2196 or email Pathways aims to offer a space where adults can explore, reflect upon and discuss faith and how it relates to life in today’s world, both at a personal and community level. Leaflets are avilable in Church Porch