3rd Mary 2015

VOL. 23 NO. 23  3RD MAY 2015

Father Ciaran Feeney Adm.  191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.

Phone – 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net

E-mail: stcolmcilles@downandconnor.org

St.  Joseph’s Primary School – www.stjosephsps.co.uk   Phone – 9065 0039

St Colmcille’s Pre school – www.stcolmcilles-preschool.co.uk.  Phone – 9047 2724


FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – (Page 345, 452 & 495)

5th Week of Easter

Readings : Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 1, Psalter Week 1



O sing a new song to the Lord, for he has worked wonders; in the sight of the nations he has shown his deliverance, alleluia.
1st Reading (Acts 9:26-31)  Barnabas explained how the Lord had appeared to Saul on his journey.
Psalm You, Lord, are my praise in the great assembly.
2nd Reading (1 John 3:18-24)  His commandments are these: that we believe in his Son and that we love one another.
Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia!  Make your home in me, as I make mine in you.  Whoever remains in me bears fruit in plenty.  Alleluia!
Gospel (John 15:1-8)   Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty.
Children Jesus said he is like a vine.  All his followers are like the branches.  Jesus’ followers need to stay with him so they can be looked after.  If his followers listen to him and do as Jesus asks, they will be fruitful.


I am the true vine and you are the branches, says the Lord.  Whoever remains in me, and I in him, bears fruit in plenty, alleluia.    



Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Annie Nelson




Teresa Wilkinson






Anointing of the Sick

Confessions at 6.00pm 11.30am




Would those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.



The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome.  The next Baptismal Course takes place on Tuesday 19th May in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.


EASTER DUTY – “ … each of the faithful is obliged to receive Holy Communion at least once a year.  This precept must be fulfilled during Paschal time unless for a good reason it is fulfilled at another time during the year.”  Canon 920.

CTS BOOKLETS –  a new range of resources is on sale in the Church porch. There is also a variety of cards to purchase, to celebrate special occasions. Payment may be placed in any of the money boxes in the walls next to the candelabras.

ANNUAL DIOCESAN LITURGY SEMINAR  –  entitled “Closer to Christ in the Eucharist” will be held next Saturday from 1.00pm to 4.30pm in St Brigid’s Parish Centre, Derryvolgie Avenue.  It will be presented by Brother Pat Mullins O.Carm. The Seminar is open to all, and will be especially interesting to Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Seminar Fee £10.  To book, please contact: Malachy McKeever on 077 6010 8903 or e-mail: malachy.mck@gmail.com

EXAM BUDDIES–  all students  preparing for exams are invited to take an exam pack from the table in the Church porch and to place their name on the Exam Buddies notice board there. Parishioners are invited to place their name on the Prayer Sponsors board and then pray for the students over the exam period in May and June.

ANNUAL DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES –  application forms are now available from the Parish Office.  Fare, inclusive of all charges, return flight from Belfast to Lourdes and full board in hotels in Lourdes, is: 5 nights (July 11-16th) – £570 in hotel or £450 in hospital; 7 nights (10-17th) – £625; Youth Team (Age 16-25) – 8-17th £520.  For more information see the poster in Church Porch or contact the Pilgrimage Office on 9064 6040 or email dcpilgrimage@gmail.com

BAPTISM  –  we welcome into the parish family Ruairi John Banton, Clare Ita MacAirt, Sebastian James Metyk, Eva Catherine Reilly and Nigel Rayne Villarosa who were baptised in St. Colmcilles during the week.

MONEY MATTERS                        

Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

The Monthly Voluntary Collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend.

TROCAIRE BOXES  –  parishioners are asked to return their Trocaire box to the parish this weekend.   All cheques should be made payable to Saint Colmcille’s Parish. 


We pray for Teresa Wilkinson, the mother of a parishioner, who died this week.  We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:

Annie Nelson,  Winifred Murray,  Una Trickett,  Matt McMullan,

Nell McNicholl,  Elizabeth Logue  and  John Logue.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT  –  we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458.  Our members are Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan and Lucy Traynor.


City Cemetery – on Sunday 10th May.  Please note that this year Prayers will take place in St John’s Parish Church at 3.00pm.  Families who have loved ones buried in the Glenalina Section (Upper Section) are invited to gather in St John’s Church.  Their graves will be blessed after the Prayer Service.  Those who have loved ones buried in the Lower Section nearer the gatehouse are invited to stand at or near their graves, which will be blessed during the service.  Speakers outside St John’s Church should reach the lower end of the Cemetery as far as the Gate House.

Milltown – on Sunday 24th May.Prayers and blessing of graves will be held at 3.00pm.

Hannahstown – on Sunday 31st May at 3.00pm.  Mass will be celebrated in the grounds of St Joseph’s Cemetery, followed by the blessing of the graves.

St Peter’s, the Rock – on Sunday 7th June at 3.00pm.  Prayers and blessing of graves.


Apostolic Work   –  monthly meeting this Tuesday evening at 8.00pm in the Iona Room

WEDNESDAY CLUB  –  would you like to join us for a trip to the Tudor Cinema this Wednesday to see “The One Hundred Foot Walk”.  Bus leaving car park at 1.15pm.  Ring Anna on 9065 1351 or Pat on 9067 1036 to book.  All welcome.


Date for your diary – The Annual Parish Sirloin Steak/Chicken BBQ & Disco will be held on Friday 5th June, tickets £15 per person.  More details to follow nearer the time.


Lough Derg Pilgrimage Season –  One Day Retreats on 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 25th of May. Advance booking is essential.  The Three Day Pilgrimage season begins on Friday 29th May. You can begin the Three Day Pilgrimage any day between 29th May and 13th August. Pre-booking not required.  Contact Lough Derg on 00 353 7198 61518 or email. info@loughderg.org

Down and Connor Maryvale Association  –  invite you to a training day in the Anchor Catechetical programme taking place next Saturday, in Tobar Mhuire Retreat Centre, Crossgar.  There are still places available.  This course is especially suited to anyone involved in their parish including Ministers of the Word, Sacramental Preparation, Special Eucharistic Ministers or anyone who would like to understand  the methodology of catechesis.  The cost including full lunch, materials and training is £60.  For further information  please contact Brigid 079 5565 6780 or email bmmcalister@hotmail.co.uk

ANNUAL LE CHEILIE/TOGETHER LECTURE IN ST MARY’S COLLEGE  – on Tuesday 12th May at 7.00pm.  Dr Leonardo Franchi, Head of the St. Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education and Director of Catholic Teacher Education at the University of Glasgow will deliver a public lecture entitled “Preparing for Mission: Catholic Teacher Education in the Contemporary Church.”  RSVP to Eilis McAteer on 9026 8306 or email e.a.mcateer@smucb.ac.uk.

LIVING THROUGH LOSS – a 3 session course with Brenda Kelso being held in the Kairos Centre, Knock Presbyterian Church.  Tuesday 12th May – Seasons of Grief – Dispelling the Myths.  Tuesday 19th May – Promoting Healthy Grieving in Children.  Tuesday 26th May – Hope for the Hurting – What Helps and What Hurts?  For more information contact Nicki Jemphrey on 078 4092 4505 or email njemphrey@knockpresbyterian.co.uk

TAIZE EVENT  –  Friday 15th May is the International Day of Taize Prayer and solidarity to celebrate 75 years of the Christian Ecumenical Taize Community.  Everyone is invited to share a light meal of soup, bread and cakes at the Dock Café, Titanic Quarter, Belfast at 6.00pm.  It will be a simple prayer of ecumenical expression inviting people (particularity the young) to celebrate what we have in common, experience community and solidarity with all those of great or little faith and in solidarity with those praying across the world.  Should you be going please contact Paddy Donnelly on 9065 1351.

Lough Derg –  will hold a special Day Retreat ‘Hope and Encouragement for a New Beginning’ on Wednesday 20th May. Fr Ben Hughes, who promotes healing and well-being, will facilitate the day which will be beneficial to anyone who is living with or struggling with any issue that is holding them back or hurting their life. Advance booking is essential.  For more information contact Lough Derg on 00353 71 9861518.

Habitat for Humanity  –  Northern Ireland is hosting a special evening of music and song with The Priests. The classical music trio The Priests will present a special fundraising concert in St Patrick’s RC Cathedral, Armagh on Friday 29th May. The evening will celebrate the fact that local people have helped Habitat for Humanity Northern Ireland build over the last 21 years. Tickets cost £20 and can be purchased at www.habitatni.co.uk or from Armagh Parish Office on 3752 2813.

Forgiveness: the key to healing and happiness  – a one day retreat to be held in Dromantine Retreat and Conference Centre on Saturday 30th May from 10.00am to 4.30pm.    This day will provide an opportunity to reflect on ways to deal with life’s hurts and disappointments, so that we can let go, move on, and find peace and happiness and will be facilitated by Fr. Des Corrigan, SMA.  Apply to the Secretary at Dromantine on 3082 1964 or email admin@dromantineconference.com.

COLUMBANUS BANGOR FOLK FESTIVAL 2015  –  Ards CCÉ can confirm that the headline act for this year’s folk festival will be Dervish, supported by Ards CCÉ Entertainment Group.  The concert will take place on Saturday 13th June at St Comgall’s Parish Hall and there will be a fully licensed bar available.  Tickets are only £10 per person and are now available to purchase from Thomas’ Shop.

  1. PETER’S FOLLOWERS OF THE CROSS – annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 7th to 12th October.  Spiritual Director – Rev. Patrick McCafferty.  Fare – £599 per person inclusive of Belfast/Lourdes return flights, full board accommodation and all taxes.  For bookings and further information please contact James Hyndman on 9032 7218, Julieanne Hughes on 9024 6901 or Jimmy Barr on 90249745.