VOL. 22 NO. 31 6TH JULY 2014
Father Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.
Tel. 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com
6.30pm | 11.00am | No Mass | No Mass | No Mass | No Mass | No Mass |
Vera Fay |
Vigil Mass – 6.30pm Sunday Morning Mass – 11.00am
St. Bernadette’s Monday to Friday at 9.30am
St. Matthew’s Monday to Friday at 10.00am.
Holy Rosary Monday to Friday at 10.00am
St. Malachy’s Monday and Friday at 8am
Monday to Friday at 1.00pm
14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Page 609, 452 & 499)
14th Week in Ordinary Time
Readings : Sunday Cycle A, Weekday Cycle 2, Psalter Week 2
Entrance Your merciful love, O God, we have received in the midst of your temple. Antiphon Your praise, O God, like your name, reaches the end of the earth; your right hand is filled with saving justice.
1st Reading (Zechariah 9:9-10) See now, your king comes humbly to you.
Psalm I will bless your name for ever, O God my King.
2nd Reading (Romans 8:9, 11-13) If by the Spirit you put an end to the misdeeds of the body, you will live.
Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia!
Gospel (Matthew 11:25-30) I am gentle and humble of heart.
Children Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest. If you wear my yoke and follow my teachings you will find the weight of your troubles is lighter.”
Communion Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed the man who seeks refuge in Antiphon him.
Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds
in the evening please close the car park gates.
Parishioners are invited to view parish Masses and other parish services with the help of the parish website: www.st-colmcilles.net where you will find the Webcam. Click on ‘WEBCAM’ and scroll to view. The picture quality has been greatly enhanced recently. The Webcam is normally on 24 hours a day. It should also work on iphones, ipads and Android devices. The sound is normally only on during Mass and other Church services.
PARISH FACEBOOK – please search for St Colmcilles Parish on Facebook and ‘like’ to join the page for up to date parish information and uplifting comments.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT – we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458. Our members are Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan and Lucy Traynor.
HALL BOOKINGS – please note Pat will not be available to take Parochial Hall bookings until Monday 1st September.
CTS BOOKLETS– a new range of resources is on sale in the Church porch. There is also a variety of cards to purchase, to celebrate special occasions. Payment may be placed in any of the money boxes in the walls next to the candelabras.
BAPTISM – we welcome into the parish family William McKissick and Liam James Stevenson, who were baptised in St. Colmcilles last weekend.
WEDDING – our congratulations and best wishes go to Hannah McMeekin and Adrian Driscoll who were married on Saturday 28th June in St. Colmcille’s.
DECEASED – We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:
Anne Maguire and Vera Fay.
Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.
The Monthly Stipend Collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend.
SUMMER PROGRAMME – for children and youth in August. Application forms and more details can be found in the Church porch. The programme includes: a Youth Leadership programme; a visit to Aurora Pool in Bangor; Children’s Holiday Bible Week ‘On Safari’; day trip to M&D’s Theme Park in Scotland; adventure activities day; sports coaching; family camp weekend; youth residential retreat. Enquiries to Noeleen: 078 7949 8131 or email colmcilleyouth@yahoo.co.uk
DRUMALIS – the parish retreat this year will take place from Saturday 13th to Sunday 14th September. Anyone who is interested in going please contact Pat on 9067 1036, to book a place.
BE STILL – Directed Retreat, from Thursday 7th to Sunday 10th August. Led by Mrs Breige O’Hare in St Anthony’s Retreat Centre, Burnfoot, Donegal. Offering prayer and rest in beautiful surroundings, with daily Eucharist, spiritual direction (Ignatian), scripture-based prayer and reflection and Sacrament of Reconciliation. Suggested donation: €175(£150) Enquiries/ booking: ring 00 3537 4936 8370.