8th December


VOL. 22 NO. 02  8TH DECEMBER 2013


Father Ciaran Feeney  Adm.   191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.  Tel. 9065 4157.   Website: www.st-colmcilles.net  E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com










James Forrester


Lily Rice & Chris Graham

No Mass


No Mass


No Mass


No Mass

Confessions at 6.00pm


Clare Heverin








Please note there will be no weekday Masses this week.

















The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome.  The next Baptismal Course takes place on Tuesday 17th December in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.



The parish office will be closed this week.


Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.



CHRISTMAS OUTREACH  –  Ministers of Outreach will be starting to visit every home in the parish this coming week with a Christmas Card from Father Ciaran, containing details of the times of Christmas Services and information leaflets on the Bereavement Support Group, Intercessory Prayer Team, Volunteering and an update from the Social and Fundraising Committee.

GIFT – Growing in Faith Together is a fun-filled parish based faith programme for post Confirmation young people. It offers children in Year 8 (1st year) the opportunity to connect more fully with parish and to develop their Catholic faith. There are six sessions which will be delivered in Term 2.  Do you have experience working with young people or are you a Parent / Guardian of a year 8 student?  If you could help with this programme, please contact Noeleen on 078 7949 8131. Training with the resource materials will be provided.

BALLYHACKAMORE BUSSINESS ASSOCIATION  –  next Saturday the Association will host its first Christmas Craft and Food Market in conjunction with St Colmcille’s Parish.  The market will run in the Church car park from 10.00am to 3.00pm and will include local traders and artisan producers from St George’s market.  Come and meet Doc McStuffins, Mike from Monsters Inc and a Minion.  There will also be some other surprises on the day!

BAPTISM  –  we welcome into the parish family Daniel Conlon who was baptised in St. Colmcilles last weekend.

WEDDING  –  our congratulations and best wishes go to Frankie Knox and David McEwan  who were married on Thursday 5th December in St. Colmcilles.

DECEASED –   We pray for Chris Graham whose month’s mind occurs this weekend and for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:

James Forrester,  Lily Rice,  Clare Heverin,  John Bradley,  Mary Bradley,

Claire Regan, Maeve McMurray,  Mary McBrinn,  Arthur McBrinn,

Mary Tully,  Melissa Tully  and  Jim Gibson.


Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.


CHRISTMAS MASS BOUQUET CARDS –  are available in the Parish office or Sacristy after Masses.

TAP CHRISTMAS GIFT CARDS  –will be available over the weekends of Advent after all the Masses. We look forward to the usual generous support for this annual fundraising event. An added significance to the need for this appeal is the recent news that the mission was subjected to an armed robbery. Thankfully Fr. John was unhurt but traumatised and lost money, laptop computer, camera and other valuables. Please keep him in your prayers and also the safety of all who are part of the Mission.

PREPARE A WAY FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD  –  with our Advent Service, to be held in the Church, this Sunday at 7.30pm. A lovely programme of Advent Hymns and Carols will be presented in a service which should last approx. one hour. Parish families, friends and all denominations are most welcome.


“The Lord your God is in your midst,… He will renew you by his love.”  (Zephaniah 3)

Next Sunday                            St. Colmcille’s                3.00pm

Monday 16th December              Holy Rosary                    7.30pm

Tuesday 17th December              St. Bernadette’s               7.30pm

Wednesday 18th December          Drumbo                          7.30pm

Sunday 22nd December               St. Brigid’s                     4.00pm


The St Vincent de Paul annual appeal takes place this week between 1st December and 8th December and we at St Colmcille’s will be collecting for the next few weeks. As with last year, we would like to request only cash and vouchers so that our families can buy exactly what they need. Cash is required to buy the essentials such as vegetables, meat and other fresh food. Money is also more practical as it may be used towards a top up card for the electric or gas meters or to buy heating oil stamps.

Your donations can be popped into our normal collection boxes with our members at the Church exits any time up to Sunday 22nd December. As most of our families live near a Tesco store this will be the best supermarket voucher to donate. Heating oil stamps can be purchased from many oil suppliers or you can specify on the envelope if you wish us to spend your donation on fuel.

This change from food hampers to money and vouchers ensures more controlled and healthier diets for our families; those who suffer from allergies, diabetes or other conditions or those we help from different cultures will be able to purchase food suitable to their own special dietary needs.

In these difficult times for everyone this is another “ask” from you, the parishioners, but every year we get such tremendous support for this appeal and we thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. No matter how small (every £1 counts) all donations help to relieve the dreadful pressure our families suffer.

Many volunteers from the Parish have already got involved by standing at our local Tesco and Spar stores in Ballyhackamore on Saturday 30th November and will be collecting again this Saturday the 7th December at Marks and Spencers.  We would like to thank those volunteers for donating their time at this very busy time of the year

We will let you know after Christmas, how your donations have been used but for now thank you so much for your invaluable kindness and support.



ST COLMCILLE’S PRE-SCHOOL PLAYGROUP  –  Will you child be in their pre-school year in September 2014?  The pre-school invites you to an open day this Tuesday between 3.30pm and 4.30pm and in the evening between 6.30pm and 7.30pm to view the premises, meet the staff and collect an application form for enrolment in September 2014.  Please telephone Kathy on 9047 2724 if this date doesn’t suit and arrange an alternative time to visit the group.



ST COLMCILLE’S GUIDE UNIT – will be holding their Enrolment Ceremony this Sunday, at the 11.30am Mass. The unit would like to invite all parishioners to this celebration and everyone is welcome to join us for refreshments in the Den afterwards. Come over and find out more about what the Guide Unit gets up to, you never know you might like to join us!

60+ CHRISTMAS PARTY – will be held this Sunday in the Parochial Hall commencing at 4.30pm and finishing at approximately 8.00pm. The night will include a 3 course dinner, entertainment and a visit from Santa.  Tickets are available from Roisin McMullan 078 5414 0019, Mary Walsh 078 1549 3463 or Lucy Traynor 079 0080 7589.  If you require transport please let us know when your book your place.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Committee Members will be at the back of the Church if anyone would like a ticket.


WEDNESDAY CLUB  –  Christmas Dinner at La Mon House Hotel this Wednesday afternoon.

DTIM – The ‘Do This In Memory of Me’ pre sacramental programme for children preparing for the sacrament of Holy Communion, will take place at the 9.30am Mass next Sunday.



SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER GROUP  –  our last meeting for the year will be on Tuesday 17th December at 8.00 pm in the Committee Room.  We will look at the readings for the 4th Sunday of Advent and some thoughts of Pope Francis.



APOSTOLIC WORK CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING  –  Thank you to all who, in any way, supported our fund-raising event last weekend; to Paul Browne and the Scouts who so willingly gave their time to get the Hall ready by setting out the furniture and to all those who put it away afterwards and generally helped in the clear-up and of course to those who contributed financially by giving or spending.  Thanks to your generosity we raised more than £3,200 for use on the Missions.  The winner of the Christmas hamper was Anne O’Hare



In the interim period between the retirement of the current Diocesan Advisers and the establishment of possible new ethos-support structures in the context of ESA, the Diocese of Down and Connor wishes to appoint Diocesan Advisers for Religious Education (one full-time equivalent at each of primary and post-primary levels) for the period January 1st 2014 – 30th June 2014. The Diocese is open to consider the option of job sharing and part-time working. Hourly rate £24.50p.

Candidates must have

–          At least 10 years’ experience of teaching RE in a Catholic school in the last 15 years;

–          Had at least three years’ leadership role within the teaching of RE in the relevant sector (primary or post-primary) or equivalent environment;

–          An in-depth knowledge of the current RE texts/courses and of the challenges facing RE teachers in Catholic schools

–          Be available to start work from January 2014.

Preference may be given to candidates who have

–          A record of on-going professional development in the area of teaching RE.

The successful applicants will be

–          Be based in the Good Shepherd Centre, Ormeau Road, Belfast;

–          Have access to administrative support;

–          Be expected to have access to their own car (mileage allowance is given).

Application forms can be obtained by emailing a request to the following address: dmck@downandconnor.org.



ADVENT RETREAT –  would you like some private time to prepare for Christmas?  Come along to an Advent Retreat that is relaxed with a lot of time allocated for personal reflection this Tuesday evening from 7.00pm to- 9:15pm in St. Mary’s Church Greencastle (Shore Road Belfast).  Ample parking at Church – Light refreshments available   Retreat Lead by Fr. Eddie Mc Gee  Retreat organised by ‘The Knights of St. Columbanus’

PARISH OF BANGORis delighted to present A Celtic Christmas by Father Liam Lawton in St Comgall’s Parish Centre this Thursday evening at 8.00pm (Doors open 7.30pm).  Tickets Available Priced £20 from the following locations: St Comgall’s Parish Office – Brunswick Road, Bangor -stcomgalls@btconnect.com or 9146 5522 (Mon to Fri 9.30am to 1pm); St Colmcille’s Parish Office, Holywood – on 9042 2167; St Patrick’s Parish Office, Newtownards – 9181 2137 and tickets also available at Mace Brunswick Road, Bangor.  For more details please contact Christine McClean on 079 0202 1958 or 9146 5013.

AN EVENING OF FESTIVE FAVOURITES AT DRUMALIS  –  this Thursday evening  at 7:30 pm.  This evening will include seasonal favourites, old and new, performed by Voices Chamber Choir under the direction of Loreto McAuley.  During the interval, a light supper will be served.  The cost for the evening is £20 per person and admission is by pre-paid ticket only.  For further information, please contact Drumalis on 2827 2196 or 2827 6455.

TOBAR MHUIRE RETREAT HOUSE  – Advent Day of Reflection next Saturday.  “You will Call Him Immanuel – a Name which means God With Us,”  The day will be led by Sean Goan. Sean is the Faith Development Officer of Le Chéile Trust. Using his unique style that combines scholarship and storytelling, Sean will focus on Matthew’s account of the Nativity and help us to focus on Matthew’s gospel for the coming year. This day is open for all, but is particularly recommended for clergy and for those involved as Ministers of the Word in parishes.  The suggested offering for the day is £25, which includes tea/coffee and a light lunch. Please telephone the secretary at Tobar Mhuire for further information or to book places. Telephone: 4483 0242.

ST. PATRICK’S NEWTOWNARDS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR   – will be held next Saturday in their Parish Centre, Victoria Avenue from 1.30pm. 

NORTHERN IRELAND CANCER PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES –  from Thursday 22nd May to Tuesday 27th May 2014.  We aim to help cancer patients and their carers make a pilgrimage to Lourdes and to provide nursing and medical support for them. Medical, nursing and other Oncology staff will travel with us on the Pilgrimage.  Return flights from Belfast (Aldergrove).  Full board at the Hotel Agena based on twin-bedded and treble rooms.  Travel insurance cover and the service of tour operators in Lourdes.  Chairman:- Dr Seamus McAleer.  Spiritual Director: V. Rev Sean McCartney.  To enquire or to obtain a booking form, please speak to a member of the Committee on 075 1675 9646 or e-mail:- mail@nicancerpilgrimage.org.uk.  Full Price £599:  Reductions are available for Cancer Patients.

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