14th September

VOL. 22 NO. 41  14TH SEPTEMBER 2014


Father Ciaran Feeney Adm.  191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.

Tel. 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net  E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com



24th Week in Ordinary Time

Readings : Sunday Cycle A, Weekday Cycle 2, Psalter Week 4




We should glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection, through whom we are saved and delivered.
1st Reading (Numbers 21:4-9)  If anyone was bitten by a serpent, he looked at the bronze serpent and lived.
Psalm Never forget the deeds of the Lord.
2nd Reading (Philippians 2:6-11)  He humbled himself, therfore God raised him high.
Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia!  We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you; because by your cross you have redeemed the world.  Alleluia!
Gospel (John 3:13-17)   The Son of Man must be lifted up.
Children Jesus said that God loved the world so much that he sent his only Son down from heaven.  Everyone has the chance to believe in him and have eternal life.  God sent Jesus to show us how much he loved us.  Through Jesus the whole world can be saved.


When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself, says the Lord.  




Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Patricia McMullan, John F Judge


Kitty Clarke








Anointing of the Sick

Confession at 6.00pm 11.30am



Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.



The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome.  The next Baptismal Course takes place this Tuesday evening in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.


St Colmcilles has a Bereavement Support group to be present for and to listen to anyone suffering bereavement after a death, regardless of how long ago the death occurred. The group is here for all, regardless of culture, faith or no faith and is made up of nine parishioners who have all been trained by NI Hospice professionals; on-going training and guidance will continue with the Hospice team.  If you wish to know more about Bereavement Support please telephone us on 074 5698 9458 or complete a Request form and place in the Bereavement Support Box situated at the back of the Church and one of the group will make contact with you. The members of the group are: Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan, Lucy Traynor.


SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION – evening classes will begin in October. These classes are provided for children who are not being prepared in their school. First Confession and First Holy Communion children should be in Primary 4 at least. Confirmation students should be in Primary 7 at least. Enrolment enquiries to Noeleen 078 7949 8131

CHURCH OPENING TIMES  –  the church will be open each day at the following times:  Monday – 10.00am  to 3.30pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – 9.00am to 3.30pm; Friday – 9.00am to 1.00pm; Saturday – 6.00pm to 7.30pm and Sunday 9.00am to 1.00pm.

BOOKING OF PAROCHIAL HALL  – Pat is available from Monday to Friday for bookings.  Parishioners wishing to book the Parochial Hall need to speak to Pat on 9067 1036 from 7.00pm to 8.00pm on these evenings.

PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD  – volunteers are needed for this most important ministry.  Training, mentoring and support will be available.  For more information please contact John Barry on 9065 4395.

INTERCESSORY PRAYER TEAM  –  is a small group who meet on a weekly basis to add their voices to yours, presenting your needs to God. Requests for prayer can be made by completing a Petition Slip and placing it in the Prayer Request Box, both of which can be found in Our Lady’s Prayer Space, or by emailing colmcilleprayer@yahoo.co.uk.  All requests are treated with the strictest confidence and you can make your request anonymously if you wish.

A SEVEN DAY CANDLE  – burns continuously at Our Lady’s Prayer Space in the Sanctuary for the intentions of a sponsor. Candles cost £5 each and this offering should be placed in the box in the wall when you light your candle.

DECEASED –   We pray for the repose of the souls of Maureen Forrester and Feargal O’Mahoney, who died during the past week.  We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year.

Patricia McMullan,  John F Judge,  Jackie Allen,  Gerard McGonnell,  Paddy McCullagh,  Arden Rosaupan, John Donnelly and Kitty Clarke.

MONEY MATTERS                        

Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

The Autumn Voluntary Collection will be taken up at all Masses next weekend.


SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER GROUP – our group resumes this Tuesday evening at 8.00pm in the Committee Room. Reflections will focus on the readings for the 25th and 26th Sundays in Ordinary time, Year A. New members are welcome to join us.

WEDNESDAY CLUB  –  we are back!  Would you enjoy good company, good friends, good craic?  Come to the Parochial Hall on Wednesday afternoons between 2.00pm and 4.00pm..

FAITH AND LIFE CONVENTION – which has arisen out of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan will take place on Saturday 20th September in Our Lady and Saint Patrick’s College, Knock under the title: “Living the faith to make a difference”.  The keynote speaker for the day will be John Allen Jr (Religion Correspondent of the Boston Globe).  There will be an opportunity for a panel discussion and an essential element of the day will be the afternoon workshops which will explore the place of faith in many different areas of our lives.  Attendance at the day is by registration only.  Registration forms are available on www.downandconnor.org or by contacting the Living Church Office on 9069 0920.  Cost: £20 per person (incl. Lunch & Refreshments).

DIOCESAN CONVENTION  – a number of places have been secured at the Convention for young adults in mid teens to early twenties at a reduced cost of £10, which covers lunch, for a special young adult workshop. The Convention takes place on Saturday 20th September at Our Lady and St Patrick’s school. Our young adults are encouraged to attend. A letter of invitation and application forms can be found in the Church Porch. Please return to Noeleen  on 078 7949 8131.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY – has resumed at the 9.30am Sunday Mass. Registration for children takes place next Sunday after Mass in the Hall, with refreshments. All children who participate in this Liturgy need to be registered annually. All children attending the Liturgy, in the Hall, must wear their name badges. This children’s ministry enables them to take part in the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist by simplifying the Liturgy of the Word to their needs. Leaders help them to grasp the Gospel message by engaging them in role play, games, discussion and song. Children should be at least 3 years old. Additional volunteer helpers would be much appreciated.


CAMEL RACING & DISCO  –  will take place on Friday 3rd October in the Parochial Hall, doors open at 7.30pm.  First Race at 8.00pm sharp!  It’s very similar to the Night at the Races but if you chose it can be more hands on!  Bring your own refreshments and music will be on till 12.30am.  Its guaranteed to be a great night out.  Tickets are only £5 per person and will be available to purchase from Roisin McMullan 078 5414 0019 or Mary Walsh on 078 1549 3463 or any member of the Social & Fundraising Committee. We look forward to seeing you there.


ADOPTERS NEEDED NOW  –  Family Care Adoption Services is presently seeking families who would be interested in adopting children aged between 2–6 years and who need the love and attention of a caring and understanding family. Could this be you?  If you would like to find out more please contact Family Care Adoption Services on: 9069 1133    or 7136 8592; email@familycaresociety.org.  Website:www.familycaresociety.co.uk

NATIONAL GRANDPARENTS PILGRIMAGE –  To Our Lady’s shrine at Knock takes place this Sunday.  Blessing of the sick 2.30pm. Mass 3.00pm.  Chief  Celebrant is Archbishop Charles Brown Papal Nuncio. Everyone welcome.  Children are invited to compose a prayer for their Grandparents and send it to CGA office Castlebar St Westport Co Mayo. All prayers will be displayed in the Basilica and blessed during the Mass.  For further information, coach and train travel email info@catholicgrandparentsassociation.com

A SERVICE OF HOPE, HEALING AND LOVE  –  in the week of World Suicide Prevention Day. Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Newcastle, County Down. This Sunday at 3.00pm. This Service is for everyone, those concerned about suicide, those who may be in crisis and those who have been bereaved or affected by suicide. People of all faiths or none are welcome. Please join us in the Parish Centre afterwards for light refreshments.  If anyone wishes to speak confidentially to someone who is experienced in supporting others, this will also be available.

BELFAST ANNUAL PIONEER MASS  –  will take place at 7.30 pm this Tuesday in Holy Family Church, Newington Avenue, Belfast.  If anyone wishes to be presented with gold, silver or other Pioneer emblems please contact Pat on 9262 9959, Josephine on .9061 7116 or the Diocesan Pioneer Office on 9089 4070 for details.

INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR PEACE  –  next Sunday.   To mark this important date, a choir is being set up to sing at an event on that day.  This choir is open to everyone from all walks of life all over the City.   There will be 2 rehearsals to prepare the pieces: Sunday 7th & 14th September, both beginning at 2.00pm and held in the hall at the rear of St George’s Parish Church, High Street, Belfast.   Everyone is warmly welcome! For further information please email:belfastcrosscommunitychoir@outlook.com.  Come together to sing for peace!

  1. DOMINIS’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR GIRLS – GL Assesslment closes at 2.00pm on Friday 26th September.  Forms available from St Dominic’s.
  2. MALACHY’S COLLEGE – closing date for GL registration forms in St.Malachy’s College is Friday 26th September at 2.00pm.  If anyone needs any information about their sons form please contact Mrs ES Moorehead on 028 90748285

IRISH TOUR TICKETS  –  10 Great Victoria Street, Belfast.  Phone – 9031 0101 are bringing a group to walk the last stretch of the Camino de Santiago from 27th September to 4th October. Spanish guide and Belfast based tour manager (who walked the 500 mile trek in 2012) accompanying the group.  7 nights half board accommodation, daily bag transfers, airport transfers in Spain, route notes, pilgrims passport – £597 pps – www.irishtourtickets.com/item/book-your-camino-here.