VOL. 23 NO. 15 8TH MARCH 2015
Father Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.
Phone – 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com
St. Joseph’s Primary School – www.stjosephsps.co.uk Phone – 9065 0039
St Colmcilles Pre school – www.stcolmcilles-preschool.co.uk. Phone – 9047 2724
THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT– (Page 149, 493 & 121)
3rd Week of Lent
Readings : Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 1, Psalter Week 3
EntranceAntiphon | My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues my feet from the snare. Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and poor. |
1st Reading | (Exodus 20:1-17) The Law was given through Moses. |
Psalm | You, Lord, have the message of eternal life. |
2nd Reading | (1 Corinthians 1:22-25) Here we are preaching a crucified Christ, an obstacle to men, but to those who are called, the wisdom of God. |
Acclamation | Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory! I am the ressurection and the life, says the Lord, whoever believes in me will never die. Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory! |
Gospel | (John 2:13-25) Destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up. |
Children | Jesus went to the Temple in Jerusalem. Lots of people were buying and selling animals and changing money. Jesus was very angry because the Temple is God’s house. Jesus knocked over the tables and asked the sellers to leave. |
CommunionAntiphon | The sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for her young: by your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, for ever singing your praise. |
Sat. | Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. |
6.30pm | 9.30am | 7.15am | 7.15am | 7.15am | 7.15am | 7.15am |
Peg Traynor | Special Intention | Special Intention | Eilish Higgins | Brian Henderson | Tim McCormick | John Gilmore |
11.30am | 9.30am | 9.30am | 9.30am | 9.30am | 9.30am | |
Michael McHugh | Anointing of the Sick |
Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds
in the evening please close the car park gates.
MORNING MASS – will be celebrated Monday to Friday mornings at 7.15am and 9.30am.
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – each Thursday evening from 7.00pm to 9.00pm.You are invited to make a Lenten commitment to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on one or more occasion, by adding your name to the Adoration timetable on the clipboard at the back of the Church.
THE GIFT – An inspiring and practical series aimed at people of all ages to help them encounter the Holy Spirit and empower them to share their faith. Everyone is invited to gather together at 10.00am on Friday mornings during Lent, in the Iona room, where we will begin with refreshments. The next session in the series is ‘Unwrapping God’s Gift”.
stations of the cross – will be celebrated each Saturday evening at 6.00pm.
Awakening Faith Programme – will take place next Sunday and Sunday 29th March after the 9.30am Mass. Everyone is welcome for free refreshments in the Hall. Children are invited to the Iona room for activities. The theme of the next short talk is ‘The Church and Me.’
TROCAIRE FAST BOXES – are available in the foyer of the Church.
SACRED SPACE – ‘One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’. (Matthew 4:4) Let us open our hearts to God’s holy word in scripture, for each of us personally, as we journey through this season of Lent. The purple cloth reminds us of the journey, with our offerings to God of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The ashes symbolize our penance and contrition. The crown of thorns reminds us that Christ offered Himself as the complete sacrifice for our sin. The candle is the symbol of Christ’s presence with us during our personal Lenten observances. Here we should pause for a time and re-commit ourselves to developing our personal relationship with Jesus, by placing a stone in the desert oasis.
The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome. The next Baptismal Course takes place on Tuesday 17th March in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.
Proclamation of the Word – the course for new readers will continue this Monday evening at 7.30pm in the Church. If you missed the first session it is still possible to participate in the remaining parts of the programme. Come along on Monday evening at 7.30pm or contact John Barry on 9065 4395 / 078 4072 8477 or email jb654395@yahoo.co.uk.
BAPTISM – we welcome into the parish family Conor Archibald, John Francis Coll, Eve Catherine Hawkins and Maisie Cecilia Jean McCandless who were baptised in St. Colmcilles last weekend.
ANNUAL DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES – application forms are now available from the Parish Office. Fare, inclusive of all charges, return flight from Belfast to Lourdes and full board in hotels in Lourdes, is: 5 nights (July 11-16th) – £570 in hotel or £450 in hospital; 7 nights (10-17th) – £625; Youth Team (Age 16-25) – 8th-17th £520. Closing date for youth applications is 27th March. For more information see the poster in Church Porch or contact the Pilgrimage Office on 9064 6040 or email dcpilgrimage@gmail.com
24 Hours for the Lord – the Holy Father has welcomed the idea of repeating the 24 Hours for the Lord initiative which was celebrated last Lent. This year it is proposed to have the 24 Hours for the Lord initiative held on this Friday and next Saturday. The theme that will guide the reflection is: God Rich In Mercy (Ephesians 2 : 4). Further information can be found at: http://www.novaevangelizatio.va
St Patrick’s Day – climb Slemish on St Patrick’s Day, after 11am Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Braid. You are welcome to join a group which celebrates St Patrick’s Day by walking around 12 miles. Refreshments available in Braid Old School. Consider getting some sponsors and donate funds to Trocaire’s Lenten Campaign.
Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.
NEEDY PARISHES COLLECTION – will be taken up at all Masses next weekend. This collection was established to create a special fund to assist “Financially Needy” Parishes. There are already several Parishes within the Diocese that have accumulated debt and are financially stretched. However, through financial re-structuring schemes it is hoped that many of these parishes, with the aid of this fund, will be able to return to a positive financial position. Through this collection “better off Parishes” can help those less fortunate Parishes to have some hope of returning to sound financial footing.
OFFERTORY ENVELOPES FOR THE NEW YEAR – begin on Sunday 12th April. New boxes of envelopes, will start being distributed during the coming week and will be in the foyer of the Church next weekend. If you wish to contribute by Standing Order or by envelopes and do not do so currently, please leave your name, address and telephone number in the bulletin box and Philomena will be in contact with you during the coming week.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Anne O’Keeffe, who died recently and for Winnie Fitzgerald and Michael McHugh, whose months mind occurs this weekend. We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:
Peg Traynor, Joe Simpson, Tony Gibson, Eilish Higgins, Brian Henderon,
Tim McCormick, John Gilmore and Brendan McGuckian
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT – we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458. Our members are Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan and Lucy Traynor.
There is still time for you to participate in this year’s Parish Draw. Please show your support to the Parish by purchasing a ticket or two by contacting Roisin McMullan on 078 5414 0019, Mary Walsh on 078 1549 3463, or Philomena in the Parish Office.
We are greatly helped in our work of support for the poor and needy by “The Larder” the food bank attached to St. Christopher’s Church in Mersery Street. Over fifty of our clients have received generous food parcels from one to six times in the past year. The food is provided by neighbouring churches and we feel particularly as our clients are amongst the major beneficaries, we should try to contribute to them. So starting this weekend and up to Sunday 29th March members of the St Vincent de Paul will be in the Church Porch to receive donations of food for onward transmission to “The Larder”. The following are suggested items: cereal, jam, pasta, rice, pasta sauces, tinned fruit, tinned meat and fish, tinned vegetables, tinned soup, tinned tomatoes, biscuits, tea, coffee, toilet rolls, washing powder, toothbrushes, toiletries and washing up liquid. They have always loads of baked beans.
Have you ever considered a vocation to the priesthood? Have you felt called to serve Christ in the Church as a priest? If so, take this opportunity to gather with other men who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood.
VOCATIONS EVENING – in the Parish of Saintfield on Thursday 30th April 2015. For more information on vocations please contact Father Kevin McGuckien on 9061 4567 or email:kevinmcguckien@hotmail.com.
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – each Thursday evening from 7.00pm to 9.00pm.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – will meet this Tuesday evening at 7.30pm.
FIRST COMMUNION ENROLMENT – will take place at the Parents’ Meeting this Wednesday evening at 7.00pm in the Parochial Hall.
THE GIFT – will take place on Friday Mornings after the 9.30am Mass. The next session in the series is ‘Unwrapping God’s Gift”.
stations of the cross – will be celebrated each Saturday evening at 6.00pm.
Awakening Faith Programme – will take place next Sunday morning after the 9.30am Mass. The theme of the next short talk is ‘The Church and Me.’
Scripture and Prayer Group – the meeting scheduled for Tuesday 17th March, has been cancelled.
CHRISTIAN PASSOVER SEDER – the Jewish Passover is the oldest festival of the Hebrew Liturgical Calendar. It commemorates the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian bondage – the Exodus. Our Christian Passover remembers the Exodus but also defines so much of what we celebrate in the Liturgy of the Eucharist and Holy Communion. The Parish Pastoral Council invites all parishioners to join them for the Passover Seder which will be held in the Parochial Hall at 7.30pm on the Monday evening of Holy Week, 30th March, three days before we celebrate the beginning of the Triduum with the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Some idea of numbers is needed to help plan the evening, so if you would like to take part in the prayer and ritual of Passover, please put your name down on the list at the back of the Church after Mass this weekend
Concert – by St.Colmcille’s Choir, St.Joesph’s Primary School & the Sing for Life Choir will be singing an extravaganza of contemporary & familiar songs on Friday 17th April at 7.30pm to raise funds jointly for Cancer Focus NI and our own Parish. Light refreshments included. Please put the date in your diary now. Not to be missed!
PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS – our priority this year is communication with the parish family. The Council is currently considering how the parish website can be updated with a view to making it more informative and attractive. A programme of home visitation has also been started and we are hoping to re-activate the Outreach Ministry as a means of maintaining contact with parishioners.
The Outreach Mission of the Phillipine Embassy in London will be present in the Parochial Hall on Saturday 11th April from 9.30am to 5.00pm and Sunday 12th April from 9.30am to 12.00 noon. Contact details for on site arrangements are Katrina Albarico – 077 9678 7513 and Vhee Benasa – 078 2809 5361. The following services will be offererd: e-passport applications; Civil registration (reports of birth, marriage or death); Notarization and Legalization services (affidavits, SPAs, etc); NIB clearance form servicing (fingerprinting); Acceptance of application for visa to the Philippines; Philippine citizenship Retention/Re-acquistion; Overseas voter registration; Assistance to nationals and Advice on Philipine laws’ PAGIBIG membership/inquiries and SSS membership/inquiries. Applicants are advised to check the documentary and other requirments at www.philembassy-uk.org and to download the applications forms in advance from the same website.
THE POPE FRANCIS EFFECT – a series of talks being held in Tobar Mhuire, Crossgar during the Tuesday’s in Lent. Brian McKee will give the following talks: this Tuesday –– Pope Francis – Where does he fit into the papacy? Tuesday 24th March – Building a Church of the People. Each evening begins at 7.30pm. Come along for one evening or for the full series of talks. Voluntary donation. Everyone welcome!
ST MARK’S CHURCH – are running an early evening programme on a Wednesday evening until 25th March. The timing for each evening is: 6.00pm – Lenten Office in the Church; 6.30pm – Supper in the Church Hall; 7.00pm – after Supper Speaker. People are welcome to come for the entire evening, or even just for supper and/or the speaker. There is no cost for each evening, although there will be an opportunity to contribute towards the cost of supper each week on an entirely voluntary basis. Please phone St Mark’s Parish Office on 9065 9047 if you are planning to come for supper, just to give us a sense of numbers for catering!
St Columba’s Knock, Ladies Guild – are hosting a talk about Traffiking in Northern Ireland on Wednesday 18th March at 7.45 pm, in St. Columba’s Church. This topic has been talked about on the media for many months and now you will have an opportunity to learn how to help these poor people who have been brought here under false pretences.
50TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST DOROTHEA’S CHURCH – to mark this special year, the church will be decorated with floral and fruit display from Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd March. On Friday 20th and Saturday 21st, the church will be open from 10.00am to 4.30pm and refreshments will be available. On Sunday 22nd March from 2.00pm to 4.30pm. Rev. Dr. Peter Thompson will give an organ recital on the Saturday afternoon at 2.30pm
Catholic Singles – is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 0161 941 3498, visit the website www.catholicsingles.org.uk or email info@catholicsingles.org.uk
Music for St Patrick’s Day – in Drumalis on Sunday 15th March at 7:30pm. The McAuley Traditional Singers and Players under the direction of Loreto McAuley will perform a selection of Irish and Scottish music and there will be a fork supper. The cost of the evening is £25 per person and admission is by pre-paid ticket only. For further information or to book tickets, please contact 2827 6455 or 2827 2196 during office hours.
The Class of 1971 – were you, or a relative, a student teacher who commenced their course (Cert Ed, BEd or Post Grad) in St Mary’s or St Joseph’s Colleges of Education, Belfast in September 1971? A Mass followed by a cup of tea will be held to celebrate 40 years associated with the Colleges as Alumni and to remember deceased friends and classmates. Venue: St Mary’s, Falls Road, March 27th at 6.00pm,in the College Chapel. Please contact John on 077 0133 6308 for more details.
Are you suffering the pain of loss? – looking for help and understanding?
Beginning Experience (for separated, widowed and divorced people) is holding a residential weekend Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd March in Drumalis Retreat Centre, Larne. A few places still available. For further information please contact Phil on 9020 7645 or Marie on text: 075 4207 0835.
ORGAN RECITAL – by James O’Donnell, the organist at Westminster Abbey. In St Brigid’s Church, Windsor Avenue, on Friday 20th March at 7.30pm. All Welcome. There will be a Retiring Collection.