9th November

VOL. 22 NO. 49  9TH NOVEMBER 2014


Father Ciaran Feeney Adm.  191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.

Phone – 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net  E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com

St.  Joseph’s Primary School – www.stjosephsps.co.uk   Phone – 9065 0039

St Colmcilles Pre school – www.stcolmcilles-preschool.co.uk.  Phone – 9047 2724



32nd Week in Ordinary Time

Readings : Sunday Cycle A, Weekday Cycle 2, Psalter Week 4



I saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband.
1st Reading (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12)  I saw a stream of water coming from the Temple, bringing life to all wherever it flowed.
Psalm The waters of a river give joy to God’s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells.
2nd Reading (1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17)  You are the temple of God.
Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia!  I have chosen and consecrated this house, says the Lord, for my name to be there for ever.  Alleluia!
Gospel (John 2:13-22)   He was speaking of the sanctuary that was his body.
Children Jesus went to visit the Temple in Jerusalem and found lots of people selling things there.  They were treating it like a marketplace and not as a place to worship God.  Jesus was angry and threw out all the stalls.


Be built up like living stones, into a spiritual house, a holy priesthod.  




Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Christopher Robinson and Stella Keane


Michael Rooney and Michael Dawson






Sean McDermott

9.30 Mass Anointing of the Sick
Confession at 6.00pm 11.30am





Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.



the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, will hold a sale of lovely hand-crafted items made in Good Shepherd Centres in the developing world after all Masses this weekend.  As a way of reaching out to young girls and women in poor countries made vulnerable to exploitation because of poverty and powerlessness the Sisters have developed Self-Help projects in twenty or so countries where they produce beautifully hand-woven fabric for personal and household items, skilfully crafted educational and other toys, beautiful items suitable for Christmas gifts, Christmas decorations etc. The success of the projects enables these women, young girls and their children to live with dignity and hope.  You make a real difference in their lives when you purchase their top-quality crafts.


Parishioners are invited to view parish Masses and other parish services with the help of the parish website: www.st-colmcilles.net where you will find the Webcam. Click on ‘WEBCAM’ and scroll to view. The picture quality has been greatly enhanced recently. The Webcam is normally on 24 hours a day. It should also work on iphones, ipads and Android devices. The sound is normally only on during Mass and other Church services.


SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION – evening classes are provided in the Parochial Hall, for children who are not being prepared in their school. Parents should attend to enroll their children: First Confession and First Holy Communion class continues on this Tuesday at 6.00pm, class ends at 7.00pm; Confirmation students begin on Thursday 27th November at 6.00pm, class ends at 7.00pm.  Enquiries to Noeleen 078 7949 8131

  1. VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS CARDS – once again the Christmas season looms closer and our traditional practice of sending Christmas cards to loved ones and friends is nearly upon us. SVP Christmas cards will be available to purchase in the porch of the Church after each weekend Mass for the next 3 to 4 weeks or by contacting one of the members. The price is £3.50 per pack and we thank you for your support once again in raising funds for needy families in our community at this time of year.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT  –  we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458.  Our members are Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan and Lucy Traynor.

BOOKING OF PAROCHIAL HALL  – Pat is available from Monday to Friday for bookings.  Parishioners wishing to book the Parochial Hall need to speak to Pat on 9067 1036 from 7.00pm to 8.00pm on these evenings.

BAPTISM  –  we welcome into the parish family Cillian David Craig who was baptised in St. Colmcilles last weekend.

DECEASED –   We pray for Stella Keane, whose month’s mind occurs this weekend.  We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially;

Christopher Robinson,  Michael Rooney,  Michael Dawson,  Dan Conway,  Martin Nugent,  Nasor, Tio,  Ita O’Brien,  Frank Hassan,  Anne Hassan,  and  Sean McDermott,

MONEY MATTERS                        

Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

BISHOPS COMMISSION COLLECTION  –  will be taken up at all Masses next weekend.  This collection helps defray the contributions from the Diocese for the work of the various National Episcopal Commissions.  To help it fulfil its aims more effectively, the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has established various commissions, agencies, councils and other bodies which focus on specific tasks and areas of responsibility within the mission of the Church.  These are grouped into five departments as follows: Department of Catholic Education and Formation; Department of Pastoral Care; Department of Planning, Communications and Resources; Department of Social Issues and International Affairs and Department of Worship, Pastoral Renewal and Faith Development.  The Diocese is obligated to pay the amount levied (2012 – £152,778) by the Bishops’ Conference each year and this annual collection helps cover part of the annual levy.


NOVEMBER IS THE MONTH OF DEVOTION TO THE HOLY SOULS  –  during the month of November Mass will be celebrated each day for the repose of the souls of those deceased whose names have been included in the November Dead Lists. Lists are available at the rear of the Church.  If you wish to donate an offering for the Masses, please include it with the List in the envelope provided.  Completed Lists can be placed in the collection baskets or in the box in the Sanctuary area.

PIONEER ASSOCIATION  –  are promoting the Short-Term Pledge for November in honour of the Holy Souls. November is traditionally dedicated as the Month of the Holy Souls when we pray in a special way for family members/ relatives/friends who are no longer with us. By a long-standing Irish custom, many people choose to abstain from alcohol for the month of November and offer this sacrificial act for the benefit of their deceased loved ones, and for all the Souls in Purgatory.  For more information contact 00 353 1874 9464.

ANNUAL MASS FOR DECEASED MEMBERS OF OUR PARISH FAMILY  – will be celebrated on Tuesday 18th November at 7.00 pm.  This is an opportunity for our parish family to pray for our own deceased relatives and friends as well as the deceased members of our parish who have prayed with us and celebrated the liturgy with us throughout the years.

  1. MALACHY’S COLLEGE – the Annual Mass in memory of deceased former students and staff of the College will be celebrated in the college chapel on Monday 10th November  at 7:30pm.

CATHOLIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION  –  the Annual Mass for deceased teachers of the Diocese will take place on Wednesday 12th November in the Good Shepherd Church, Ormeau Road at 7.30pm.  Refreshments available afterwards on the ground floor of the Good Shepherd Centre.  Please forward the name of any teacher who died during the past year to the Diocesan Advisers in Religious Education, Good Shepherd Centre, 511 Ormeau Road, BT7 3GS by this Friday.


Sometimes important things get away from us – things like faith. Is this you?

  • Too busy despite best intentions?
  • Asked questions about faith but unsure how to answer?
  • Have a desire to connect more deeply with the Catholic faith?

‘AWAKENING FAITH’ may be just right for you. This initial 4 weekly session series explores topics on what’s spirituality, who Jesus is, what we think of the Holy Spirit, whether we can find forgiveness. First session begins this Wednesday evening from 7.30pm to 9.00pm in the Parochial Hall with opportunity for honest conversation, candid questions in a setting of openness and hospitality.


A EUCHARISTIC PRAYER VIGIL FOR VOCATIONS – to the Priesthood and Religious Life will take place in St. Patrick’s, Donegall Street this Friday evening from 8.00pm to 10.00pm.  The Vigil will conclude with Candlelit Mass at 9pm. Let us during this Vigil pray that those whom the Lord is calling that their hearts will be open to His invitation, “Come, follow me.”

VOCATIONS WEEKEND FOR YOUNG MEN  –  in Drumalis Retreat House, Larne from Friday 13th to Sunday 15th February 2015.

VOCATIONS EVENING – in the Parish of Saintfield on Thursday 30th April 2015.  For more information on vocations please contact Father Kevin McGuckien on 9508 8030.



REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY –  will be held this Sunday.  It is the practice of St Colmcille’s to visit surrounding Churches for a Remembrance Day Service.  If you can do so please put your name on the list at the back of the Church and include the name of the Church and which of its services you will be attending.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL  –  will meet this Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in the Committee Room.

ARE YOU AWARE  – that the St Colmcille’s Parent and Toddler group meets in the Parochial Hall every Wednesday during the school term at 10.00am?  All children from newborn to pre-school age are welcome, along with their parents or carers.  Come along for a chat and a cup of tea while the children play and make friends, and if you know of anyone else who might like to come, please pass on this invitation.  We extend a special invitation to men caring for young children.


Scripture Study and Prayer Group  –  our next gathering will be on Tuesday 18th November at 8.00pm in the Committee Room, after the 7.00p.m. Mass for the deceased members of our Parish community.

OUR ADVENT REFLECTIONS  –  Advent is a short period in the Church’s year during which we are invited to take some time to reflect on the birth of Christ. He came with Good News for us. During the four weeks of Advent, there will be a series of four DVD presentations in the Iona Room, commencing with coffee and refreshments at 10.00am. The DVDs are selections from the highly recommended.  “Emmaus Series”, created by Australian Theologian Fr John Thornhill, who for six years was a member of the International Theological Commission appointed by Pope John Paul ll.  Keep four Thursday mornings free: 27th November; 4th, 11th and 18th December. We will start with “The Community of the Lord’s Disciples”  which asks, What was it like to be one of Jesus’ first disciples? The co-ordinator will be Peter Gahan.

EARLY ALERT  –  Family weekend in Corrymeela with our Presbyterian neighbours will take place from Friday 5th to Sunday 7th December.  All families welcome!  More details later.



LIVING YOUTH – in this coming week the Youth Alpha Programme will be launched with 80 young people and young adults across the Diocese.  Your prayers are asked for our 80 participants and their leaders.

Christmas Pioneer Gifts  –  Sacred Heart Calendars and Diaries for 2015 as well as Christmas cards are available from the Diocesan Pioneer Office, 68 Berry Street, Belfast.

Trócaire – is holding a special Mass for the dead this Thursday evening at 7:30pm in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Ormeau Road. The Mass is in memory of all those generous people who have supported Trócaire throughout the years. There will be light refreshments afterwards. Please come along to remember your loved ones and honour their commitment to a just world. Contact Joseph O’Neill on 9080 8030 or joneill@trocaire.ie for more information.

A SPECIAL MASS OF REMEMBRANCE  –  is being organised by St Paul’s Disability Care group and it will be held this Friday evening in St Paul’s Church, Falls Road at 7.30pm.  This Mass will remember all those with a disability or special needs who have died.  If you would like your friend or family member remembered in this Mass, please contact Mary on 078 6614 6924, Bernadette on 9028 5374 or Frances on 077 1891 4692.  Please come along and join us on this special occasion.

AL-ANON GROUP TO SUPPORT FAMILIES OF ALCOHOLICS – runs every  Saturday at 12.00 noon in the Beaver Room of the Skanios Centre.

CHORAL SINGING WORKSHOP FOR CHRISTMASwith Loreto McAuley and David Stewart next Saturday morning at Drumalis from 10.00am to 4:30pm.  Enjoy a day of singing new Christmas carols and songs in the beautiful chapel in Drumalis. This workshop is particularly useful for church/school choirs and individuals looking for material for the Christmas & Advent season. If you enjoy singing and you enjoy Christmas then why not come along for the music & the hospitality. Cost, including lunch and music, is £35.  For further details or to book a place, please contact Drumalis on 2827 2196 or 2827 6455, or booking forms can also be downloaded from www.drumalis.co.uk.

LOSS AND BLESSINGS –  in Tobar Mhuire Retreat House, Crossgar next Saturday morning from 10.30am to 4.00pmNovember is a time when we remember loved ones who have died. At times we are too hurt or too busy looking after others to reflect upon the blessings we have received from those who have died. This day of prayer; reflection and symbols, will be a chance to take time aside; to reflect upon the memory of those who have died, and to give thanks for those who have touched our lives. Come aside and join us. You are welcome to bring a picture or memento of the person you are remembering.  Suggested Offering – £20 to include tea/coffee and light lunch.  Phone 4483 0242 to book your place.

OUR LADY AND ST PATRICK’S COLLEGE – presents ‘Evita’ from next Sunday to Tuesday 18th Novemeber at 7.45 p.m. in the College Hall.  Tickets on sale from this Thursday from the College, phone 9040 1184 or pay at the door on the night.  Price – Adults: £10.00; Concession: £6.00.

St. Joseph’s P.S Slate Street –  will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the official opening of our ‘New School’ building this month.  We are calling all past pupils, staff and families of the Falls Area to Come join us for our celebratory mass in the glorious surroundings of St. Peter’s Cathedral on  Monday 17th November at 6.30pm. Followed by refreshments in our school hall & a walk down memory lane – View old photos, roll books & copy books!  We are making a public appeal and would be delighted if any past pupils could lend us any school memorabilia they may have at home from St. Joseph’s Slate Street, St Peter’s in Raglan Street or St. Comgall’s on the Falls Road – photos, newspaper clippings or school books.  We promise that we will safely return them to you after our event.

PARENTING TEENAGERS COURSE  –  continues in Knock Presbyterian Church on Tuesday 18th November and Tuesday 9th December from 7.30pm to 9.00pm.  For more information please see leaflet at back of Church or contact Nicki Jemphrey on 078 4092 4505 or njemphrey@knockpresbyterian.co.uk

The Belfast One World Run –  holds a Fun Run in May each year to raise funds for four charities  – Trocaire, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, and Oxfam Ireland – active in combatting hunger and poverty in some of the poorest countries in the world.  We have decided to have a special Quiz Night this year, on Thursday 20th November, to raise additional funds for these relief agencies to assist in their work in combatting the current outbreak of Ebola virus in those countries which are affected.

CAPPELLA CAECILIANA – will launch their new CD at a concert on Sunday 22nd November at 7.30pm in the Good Shepherd Church.  The concert will also feature The Priests.  Tickets (£10) are available from Matchetts Music in Wellington Place, Nazareth Care Village and online at www.ceeciliana.org.

St. Joseph’s Parish Centre Management Team  –  annual Concert will be held in the Parish Centre Carryduff on Sunday 23rd November at @ 7.30pm sharp – Doors open @7pm.  This year Fortwilliam Musical Society presents “Melodies and Musicals” a concert featuring a mix of old favourites and modern classics as well as a sneak preview of their next show, Sweeney Todd, there is something for everyone.  Tickets £12.50 each to include light refreshments.  You can book via the parish website   www.drumbocarryduff.ie or by ringing Charlie Clarke on 078 5020 3835

Down and Connor Youth Team  –  are celebrating 30 years with a variety and comedy concert  on Saturday 29th November at 7.30pm in St Joseph’s Parish Centre, Antrim.  Entrance fee £5. Proceeds in aid of the Down and Connor Diocesan Pilgrimage. All welcome!

ARDS CCÉ CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR  –  in St Comgall’s Parish Centre, Bangor on Saturday 6th December with doors opening at 8pm.   The concert will be an extravaganza of Irish/Festive Music, Song and Dance and will be compered by local celebrity – George Jones!  All the super talented kids from Ards will be participating at the event along with various other artists, including world famous vocalist Fr Martin O’Hagan!  Admission is only £5 and there will be a ballot, mince pies, tea/coffee and a fully licensed bar available. For tickets please phone 079 5568 5745.