24th August
VOL. 22 NO. 38 24TH AUGUST 2014
Father Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.
Tel. 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com
Saturday | Sunday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Josephine McGuinness |
11.00am | 9.30am
Anointing of the Sick |
Confession at 6.00pm |
Sunday Mass times will go back to 9.30am and 11.30am from Sunday 7th September.
21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Page 635, 452 & 499)
21st Week in Ordinary Time
Readings : Sunday Cycle A, Weekday Cycle 2, Psalter Week 1
Entrance Turn you ear, O Lord, and answer me; save the servant who trusts in you, Antiphon my God. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long.
1st Reading (Isaiah 22:19-23) I place the key of the House of David upon his shoulder.
Psalm Your love , O Lord, is eternal, discard not the work of your hands.
2nd Reading (Romans 11:33-36) All that exists comes from him; all is by him and for him.
Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! God in Church was reconciling the world to himself, and he has entrusted to us the news that they are reconciled. Alleluia!
Gospel (Matthew 16:13-20) You are Peter, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
Children Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is. Peters says that he thinks Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is happy and tells Peter that he is right. Jesus then asks them not to tell anyone else this special secret.
Communion The earth is replete with the fruits of your work, O Lord; your bring Antiphon forth bread from the earth and wine to cheer the heart.
Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds
in the evening please close the car park gates.
Parishioners are invited to view parish Masses and other parish services with the help of the parish website: www.st-colmcilles.net where you will find the Webcam. Click on ‘WEBCAM’ and scroll to view. The picture quality has been greatly enhanced recently. The Webcam is normally on 24 hours a day. It should also work on iphones, ipads and Android devices. The sound is normally only on during Mass and other Church services.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT – we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458. Our members are Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan and Lucy Traynor.
INTERCESSORY PRAYER TEAM – is a small group who meet on a weekly basis to add their voices to yours, presenting your needs to God. Requests for prayer can be made by completing a Petition Slip and placing it in the Prayer Request Box, both of which can be found in Our Lady’s Prayer Space, or by emailingcolmcilleprayer@yahoo.co.uk. All requests are treated with the strictest confidence and you can make your request anonymously if you wish.
A SEVEN DAY CANDLE – burns continuously at Our Lady’s Prayer Space in the Sanctuary for the intentions of a sponsor. Candles cost £5 each and this offering should be placed in the box in the wall when you light your candle.
CERTIFICATE IN LECTIO DIVINA FACILITATION – in Association with St. Mary’s University College, Belfast. The Certificate in Lectio Divina Facilitation aims to equip participants to facilitate small Lectio Divina groups in a parish or community setting. Pope Francis in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium recommended the ancient practice of lectio divina, a practice of prayerfully reading scripture and “allowing it to enlighten and renew us.” This course is offered to men and women from all walks of life who have completed the Pathways course or its equivalent or who are involved in some form of prayer guidance or Scripture study. It is possible to do the course for validation by St. Mary’s University College or for personal development alone. This two-year programme runs from September to June each year and will be held on seven Saturdays from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm at Drumalis. For further information and booking form, please contact Drumalis on 2827 2196/2827 6455 or email maura@drumalis.co.uk Further details available on Drumalis website – http://www.drumalis.co.uk
PARISH FACEBOOK – please search for St Colmcilles Parish on Facebook and ‘like’ to join the page for up to date parish information and uplifting comments.
DECEASED – We pray for the repose of the soul of Father Colm McGrady, who died during the week and for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:
Josephine Mc Guinness, Martin Rosaupan, Marietta Torio, Brian Kerr and Bridie Loder.
Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.
BALLYHACKAMORE GOLF SOCIEY – the next outing will be to Mahee Island on this Sunday. The first tee is reserved from 1.00pm. The cost is £20. Members, visitors and guests will be welcomed.
COLMCILLE YOUTH RESIDENTIAL – a few places remain for senior parish youth from this Friday at 6.30pm to next Sunday at 3.00pm, at Killyleagh Sailing Centre. More details are on the application forms in the Church porch. Enquiries to Noeleen: 078 7949 8131 / colmcilleyouth@yahoo.co.uk
ST COLMCILLE’S INDOOR BOWLING CLUB – the club resumes its normal schedule on Thursday 4th September. New members are always welcome and will be well looked after. We have plenty of spare bowls so no gear is needed. We bowl every each Thursday evening from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and enjoy a nice supper and good craic. It only costs £5.00 to join for the year and a small weekly fee.
OUR LADY AND ST. PATRICK’S COLLEGE, KNOCK – will hold an Information Evening at 7.30 pm on Thursday 4th September for pupils and parents seeking entry to Year 8 in September 2015.
DRUMALIS – the parish retreat this year will take place from Saturday 13th to Sunday 14th September. Anyone who is interested in going please contact Pat on 9067 1036, to book a place.
DIOCESAN CONVENTION – a number of places have been secured at the Convention for young adults in mid teens to early twenties at a reduced cost of £10, which covers lunch, for a special young adult workshop. The Convention takes place on Saturday 20th September at Our Lady and St Patrick’s school. Our young adults are encouraged to attend. A letter of invitation and application forms can be found in the Church Porch. Please return to Noeleen on 078 7949 8131.
Earlier in the year the St Colmcille’s Conference of SVP issued an appeal for new members to continue the good works of our Parish in helping other less fortunate people in our local community . Now that the summer holidays are coming to an end, we are again requesting any members of the parish who may be able to assist in giving up some free time to carry out our visitations to people in need.
Figures released by the Government this year show that three of the ten most deprived areas of the UK are located in Northern Ireland and one of those is East Belfast.
St Colmcille’s and St Matthew’s SVP Conferences jointly cover the East Belfast area. This includes the Clarawood, Braniel, Tullycarnet, Dundonald and Ballybeen areas of our Parish.
Our conference visits people who have felt it necessary to ask for help, even when they feel ashamed to do so.
We provide financial assistance and regularly obtain white goods such as fridges, washing machines and cookers as well as furniture, beds and food vouchers. During the winter we also assist in providing heat in their accommodation.
We are a busy conference visiting on average 6 families each week. At present, the majority of our members are near or above retirement age and this is a significant concern given the increasing demand for our services.
We need to recruit new members from our parish to strengthen the group and enable us to meet the needs of our local community.
As members of Conference, we feel that the voluntary work we do is essential, worthwhile and rewarding.
We are asking you once again to consider joining us to provide this vital service to those less fortunate than ourselves. Training can be organised for those who may be interested .
CLEANER REQUIRED – for 1 to 2 hours per week. For further details please phone 9028 5401.
BELFAST COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHOIR CONCERT– in Aid of Cancer Research to be held in Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Newcastle this Sunday at 7:30pm. This is a unique opportunity to see this renowned choir who have just returned from a successful tour in New York. This will be their first concert in Newcastle and they are performing for the very worthy cause of Cancer Research. Tickets are £10 and are available at the door. For further details please contact A Bingham 4372 5837 or J Coburn 4372 4201.
ST. COLUMBAN CONFERENCE – this Friday and next Saturday in the Ecological Institue, Dalgan Park, Navan. The programme will include lecture, discussions and inputs from Columban Groups in Ireland and Europe. For more information please see poster in porch or contact Elizabeth McArdle on 046 9021 525 ext 567.
PROJECT JUSTICE – the Justice Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly is currently running a public consultation on a proposed amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill that will ensure that private clinics, such as the Marie Stopes centre in Belfast, cannot legally carry out abortion. Please sign a ‘submission postcard’ and show your support for the amendment and make clear your opposition to Marie Stopes. Closing date for written submissions is Friday 12th September. For ‘submission postcards’ or further information, please contact Precious Life on 9027 8484 or email us at info@preciouslife.com.
A SERVICE OF HOPE, HEALING AND LOVE – in the week of World Suicide Prevention Day. Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Newcastle, County Down. Sunday 14th September at 3.00pm. This Service is for everyone, those concerned about suicide, those who may be in crisis and those who have been bereaved or affected by suicide. People of all faiths or none are welcome. Please join us in the Parish Centre afterwards for light refreshments. If anyone wishes to speak confidentially to someone who is experienced in supporting others, this will also be available.
NATIONAL GRANDPARENTS PILGRIMAGE – To Our Lady’s shrine at Knock takes place on Sunday 14th September. Blessing of the sick 2.30pm. Mass 3.00pm. Chief Celebrant is Archbishop Charles Brown Papal Nuncio. Everyone welcome. Children are invited to compose a prayer for their Grandparents and send it to
CGA office Castlebar St Westport Co Mayo. All prayers will be displayed in the Basilica and blessed during the Mass. For further information, coach and train travel email info@catholicgrandparentsassociation.com
IRISH TOUR TICKETS – 10 Great Victoria Street, Belfast. Phone – 9031 0101 are bringing a group to walk the last stretch of the Camino de Santiago from 27th September to 4th October. Spanish guide and Belfast based tour manager (who walked the 500 mile trek in 2012) accompanying the group. 7 nights half board accommodation, daily bag transfers, airport transfers in Spain, route notes, pilgrims passport – £597 pps – www.irishtourtickets.com/item/book-your-camino-here.
STRESS CONTROL – The Belfast Health and Social Care Trust are offering a choice of FREE 6-week stress management programme at the Skainos Centre 239 Newtownards Rd, Belfast BT4 1AF on Monday evenings from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. For more information please see flyer in porch or contact CBT Service at Woodstock Lodge on 9504 2689