19th January


VOL. 22 NO. 08  19TH JANUARY 2014


Father Ciaran Feeney Adm.   191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.  Tel. 9065 4157.   Website: www.st-colmcilles.net  E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com
















Julie Gibson




Anointing of the Sick


Confessions at 6.00pm
























The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome.  The next Baptismal Course takes place this Tuesday evening in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.


Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.



INTERCESSORY PRAYER TEAM  –  is a small group who meet on a weekly basis to add their voices to yours, presenting your needs to God. Requests for prayer can be made by completing a Petition Slip and placing in the  Prayer Request Box, both of which can be found in Our Lady’s Prayer Space, or by emailing colmcilleprayer@yahoo.co.uk.  All requests are treated with the strictest confidence and you can make your request anonymously if you wish.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK   will begin next Sunday and end on Sunday 2nd February. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2014 is: ‘Catholic Schools – Centres of Faith and Learning’.  This is an opportunity to celebrate the unique contribution that Catholic schools, both primary and post-primary, make to the mission of the Church in our local faith communities and throughout the wider church. Our parish is joining in the celebrations by having a special Mass at 9.30am next Wednesday with the children from St Joseph’s school.

A SEVEN DAY CANDLE  – burns continuously at Our Lady’s Prayer Space in the Sanctuary for the intentions of a sponsor. Candles cost £5 each and this offering should be placed in the box in the wall when you light your candle.

LIVING YOUTH PILGRIMAGE TO ROME – join with us as we step back to the very beginnings of our faith and the heart of the Roman Catholic Church.  From 4th – 8th August we will immerse ourselves in the history of the Church, we will visit the ancient Christian sites of the Eternal City, the tombs of Peter and Paul, the Colosseum, the Catecombs, the Vatican and much more. Price including flights, transfers, accommodation half board, sweat shirt and t-shirts  – £650, which can be subsidised through fund raising.  If you are aged between 16 and 25 and would like to join us, please contact Claire for an Application Form which should be returned by Friday 31st January 2014  – info@livingyouthni.org.

DOWN & CONNOR DIOCESAN DIRECTORY  –  copies of the Down & Connor Diocesan Directory, price £3.00, are on sale at the back of the Church. Please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes.

EVANGELII GAUDIUM  –  “The Joy of the Gospel” by Pope Francis, copies of the book are at the back of the Church.  Price £5 each, please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes

RECENTLY BAPTISED CHILDREN  –  if your child was baptised last year in the parish and you wish to keep your child’s card from the Baptism Tree it will be available in the Sacristy after all Masses this weekend.

DECEASED –   We pray for the repose of the soul of John Fitzpatrick, who died recently.  We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:

Pat Grant,  Bridie Grant,  Molly Gibson  and  Julie Gibson.


Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

DIOCESAN YOUTH COMMISSION COLLECTION  – will be taken up at all Masses this weekend.  There is a flyer called “Supporting our Young People on their Faith Journey” available at the back of Church, giving details of the work being carried out by the Youth Commmisson in the Diocese.


VOCATION WEEKEND – A Vocation Weekend for Students and young men will take place in Drumalis Retreat House, Larne from Friday 14th to Sunday 16th February.  The Weekend is for anyone who is thinking about the possibility of a Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life.  Anyone interested should contact Fr.John Murray St. Michael’s DISCERNING VOCATIONS – a retreat for young women who are considering their vocation in the Church – a look at married life, the single life, lay missionary work, the religious life, consecrated life in the world and the contemplative life. Venue: Drumalis Retreat House, Larne on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March. Cost: a donation is acceptable. If interested contact the Diocesan Vocation Director: Fr. John Murray at 9091 3761 or email: mail@frmurray.co.uk or also contact Mags Tierney at 075 3741 4387 (text only) or magstierney08@gmail.com.

Presbytery, 200 Finaghy Road North, Belfast BT11 9EG or phone 9091 3761 for further information.  You can also email Fr John at mail@frmurray.co.uk.


SERVICE OF LIGHT  –  a service of commitment for the young people who are preparing for Confirmation, will be held  this Saturday at the 6.30pm Mass.

BELMONT AND DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CHURCHES  –  will hold its Church Unity Week Service this Sunday, 7.00pm, at Knok Methodist Church.   Please come along and join the members of the other Churches in prayer.

SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER GROUP  –  our first meeting for 2014 will be this Tuesday evening, at 8.00 pm in the Committee Room.  We meet on the third Tuesday of each month and look at the readings for the following two Sundays, placing the readings in their historical, cultural and religous context. This is interspersed with short periods of discussion and reflection. Two people will be joining us in the new year, but there is still room for others. Meetings last about seventy five minutes.


SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION –  will take place on Sunday 2nd February at 11.30am Mass.


ADULT IRISH DANCE CLASSES   –  every Tuesday evening at 8.30pm in Holy Family Parish Centre (120 Cavehill Rd). Contact Anne 9032 4732 or 077 1423 3298 or email annereidirishdance@gmail.com

4 CORNERS FESTIVAL – continues to Saturday 1st February.  The Festival consists of innovative events during and around the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. These events are designed to entice people out of their own ‘corners’ and into new places where they will encounter new perspectives.  Some of this year’s festival highlights include: This Sunday at 7.00pm – The Psychology of Peace in the Sermon on the Mount with Roddy Cowie in Fitzroy Presbyterian Church University Street.  This Friday at 7.30pm – Burns Night with Philip Orr and Mike Gaston in Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Old Park Road.  Monday 27th January at 7.30pm – 4 corners, 4 stories with Church leaders in South Belfast Methodist, Lisburn Road.  Thursday 30th January at 7.30pm – Listening to your Enemies with Pat Magee and Jo Berry (chaired by Rev Lesley Carroll) in Skainos, Newtownards Road.  For full programme and other details see www.4cornersfestival.com.

BEGINNING EXPERIENCE  –  Are you suffering the pain of loss? Looking for help and understanding? Beginning Experience is a support group for widowed, separated and divorced people, which meets every Wednesday from 8pm to 10pm in St Bride’s Hall, 38, Derryvolgie Avenue, recommencing Wednesday 29th January 2014. For further information please contact Phil on 9020 7645 or Marie on 075 4207 0835.  There will be an information evening this Wednesday at 8.00pm. All welcome.

ACTION ON HEARING LOSS  –  is the new name for RNID. Our name has changed, but our vision hasn’t – a world where hearing loss doesn’t limit or label people, where tinnitus is silenced and where people value their hearing enough to look after it.  We also have a new website at www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk

SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL  –  Ormeau Road is now on Facebook
To keep up to date with what is happening in the shop, please visit us at 
St Vincent de Paul Shop-Ormeau Road Drop by, say hello and like our page.

12th January


VOL. 22 NO. 07  12TH JANUARY 2014

 Father Ciaran Feeney Adm.   191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.  Tel. 9065 4157.   Website: www.st-colmcilles.net  E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com










Special Intention



Maura Neeson





Raymond O’Neill



John Feenan



Anointing of the Sick


Confessions at 6.00pm

























The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome.  The next Baptismal Course takes place Tuesday 21st January 2014 in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.



St Colmcilles has set up a Bereavement Support group to be present for and to listen to anyone suffering bereavement after a death, regardless of how long ago the death occurred. The group is here for all, regardless of culture, faith or no faith and is made up of nine parishioners who have all been trained by NI Hospice professionals; on-going training and guidance will continue with the Hospice team.  If you wish to know more about Bereavement Support please telephone us on 074 5698 9458 or complete a Request form and place in the Bereavement Support Box situated at the back of the Church and one of the group will make contact with you. The members of the group are: Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan, Lucy Traynor.


Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.



INTERCESSORY PRAYER TEAM  –  is a small group who meet on a weekly basis to add their voices to yours, presenting your needs to God. Requests for prayer can be made by completing a Petition Slip and placing in the  Prayer Request Box, both of which can be found in Our Lady’s Prayer Space, or by emailing colmcilleprayer@yahoo.co.uk.  All requests are treated with the strictest confidence and you can make your request anonymously if you wish.

WEEKLY CATHOLIC PAPERS AND MAGAZINES FOR SALE –  the following are available on a weekly basis at the back of the Church: Ireland’s Own, Universe, Catholic Times, Irish Catholic and Catholic Herald.  Please put money in box at any of the Candelabras.

A SEVEN DAY CANDLE burns continuously at Our Lady’s Prayer Space in the Sanctuary for the intentions of a sponsor. Candles cost £5 each and this offering should be placed in the box in the wall. An intentions form should then be completed and put in the bulletin box. Forms are found next to the bulletin box.

DOWN & CONNOR DIOCESAN DIRECTORY  –  copies of the Down & Connor Diocesan Directory, price £3.00, are on sale at the back of the Church. Please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes. The Directory gives information about every parish in the Diocese, listing the names and addresses of the Priests and Religious, the times of Masses, Parish Schools, Pastoral and Spiritual organisations and useful contact numbers.

EVANGELII GAUDIUM  –  “The Joy of the Gospel” by Pope Francis, copies of the book are at the back of the Church.  Price £5 each, please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes

RECENTLY BAPTISED CHILDREN  –  if your child was baptised last year in the parish and you wish to keep your child’s card from the Baptism Tree it will be available in the Sacristy after all Masses this weekend.

BAPTISM  –  we welcome into the parish Cillian Philip John McGinley who was baptised in St. Colmcilles last weekend.

DECEASED –   We pray for the repose of the soul of Bill Knox, a parishioner, who died recently and Nuala McKinley, a parishioner, who died on Wednesday.  We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:

Brian Nugent, Brendan O’Donnell,  Raymond O’Neill,  Dan McNaughton,

Catherine Mary Higgins  and  Maura Neeson


Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

DIOCESAN YOUTH COMMISSION COLLECTION  – will be taken up at all Masses next weekend.  There is a flyer called “Supporting our Young People on their Faith Journey” available at the back of Church, giving details of the work being carried out by the Youth Commmisson in the Diocese.


DISCERNING VOCATIONS – a retreat for young women who are considering their vocation in the Church – a look at married life, the single life, lay missionary work, the religious life, consecrated life in the world and the contemplative life. Venue: Drumalis Retreat House, Larne on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March. Cost: a donation is acceptable. If interested contact the Diocesan Vocation Director: Fr. John Murray at 9091 3761 or email: mail@frmurray.co.uk or also contact Mags Tierney at 075 3741 4387 (text only) or magstierney08@gmail.com.

VOCATION WEEKEND – A Vocation Weekend for Students and young men will take place in Drumalis Retreat House, Larne from Friday 14th to Sunday 16th February.  The Weekend is for anyone who is thinking about the possibility of a Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life.  Anyone interested should contact Fr.John Murray St. Michael’s Presbytery, 200 Finaghy Road North, Belfast BT11 9EG or phone 9091 3761 for further information.  You can also email Fr John at mail@frmurray.co.uk.



SAINT COLMCILLE’S GUIDE UNIT  – reopens for all sections this week.  Brigin Section – Monday evening from 6.30pm to 8.00pm.  Ranger Section – Monday evening from 8.15pm to 9.30pm.  Cygnet Section – Wednesday evening from 6.15pm to 7.15pm.  Guide Section – Wednesday evening from 7.30pm to 9.00pm.  For further information please contact Philomena on 9028 5401 or 077 6194 3649.

HALL COMMITTEE  –  will meet this Monday evening at 7.30pm.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL  –  will meet on Tuesday 14th January at 7.30pm

SERVICE OF LIGHT  –  a service of commitment for the young people who are preparing for Confirmation, will be held  next Saturday at the 6.30pm Mass.

BELMONT AND DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CHURCHES  –  will hold its Church Unity Week Service next Sunday, 7.00pm, at Knok Methodist Church.   Please come along and join the members of the other Churches in prayer.



SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER GROUP  –  our first meeting for 2014 will be on Tuesday 21st January, at 8.00 pm in the Committee Room.  We meet on the third Tuesday of each month and look at the readings for the following two Sundays, placing the readings in their historical, cultural and religous context. This is interspersed with short periods of discussion and reflection. Two people will be joining us in the new year, but there is still room for others. Meetings last about seventy five minutes.

SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION –  will take place on Sunday 2nd February at 11.30am Mass.



ST. MALACHY’S COLLEGEwill hold two Open Nights for prospective pupils on  this Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The Principal’s Address will begin at 7.00pm and Primary 6 and 7 pupils are welcome to attend.  Parking will be via Lincoln Avenue.

AQUINAS DIOCESAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL  –  Open Day next Saturday from 9.30am to 1.00pm.  Parents and prospective Year 8 pupils are very welcome to attend.  This will be an excellent opportunity to see the school, its state of the art facilities and to talk to pupils and staff.  The Principal, Mr Barry Kelly will address parents and pupils in the Assembly Hall at 9.30am and 11.30am.  Students who are interested in joining Sixth Form are also welcome.



ST VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS APPEAL  –  St Comcille’s Conference of St Vincent de Paul would like to thank parishioners for your wonderfully generous response to our Christmas Appeal. Over the three weeks of the Appeal you contributed the magnificent sum of £4,132.  In the run up to Christmas we were able to help 30 needy families in our Conference area with money and toys for Christmas; 11 families with heating oil; and 4 families with furniture and kitchen appliances. We also visited our housebound parishioners with small Christmas gifts; and funded the Over 60s Parish Christmas Dinner & Party. We could not have done these things without your generous support.   So thank you again for your support not only this Christmas but throughout last year. The work of St Vincent de Paul continues all year round and we look forward with appreciation and thanks to your continued support in 2014.

TAP CHRISTMAS GIFT CARDS  – We would like to thank all our parishioners and friends for their generosity in the appeal for our twinned parish of Moita Bwawani, Tanzania. We raised a total of £2, 265 for the projects and Fr. John Gallagher is delighted with the warm response and kindness.


BREDAGH SLIMATHON & EXCERISE PROGRAMME   –  Starts this Monday in St Josephs College, Ravenhill Road.  Weigh-in/Registration 6.30pm – 7.00pm  (All personal information remains confidential)  Exercise (optional) 7.00pm – 8.00pm – Circuits, Walking or Running (slow & fast groups to suit all levels)  Open to both members and non-members of Bredagh GAC.  12 week Programme – set your own targets and don’t worry if you haven’t done any exercise in a while – designed to suit all levels of fitness and all ages.  So if you just want to lose some weight and/or get fit and have some fun just turn up to register. 12 weeks programme – £30 to be paid in full on registration.  For more information call or e-mail Paul & Elaine Blaney – pbblaney@gmail.com or 078 8561 9616.

ADULT IRISH DANCE CLASSES   –  every Tuesday evening at 8.30pm in Holy Family Parish Centre (120 Cavehill Rd). Contact Anne 9032 4732 or 077 1423 3298 or email annereidirishdance@gmail.com

THE STORY OF FATIMA  –  will be presented, in Sr Lucia’s own words, delivered by Fr Michael Maher in St Oliver Plunkett Church this Wednesday evening from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.  All welcome; tea and coffee & biscuits.  Fr Maher is a member of the Marist Fathers, ie of The Society of Mary, Dundalk.

4 CORNERS FESTIVAL – runs from this Wednesday to Saturday 1st February.  The Festival consists of innovative events during and around the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. These events are designed to entice people out of their own ‘corners’ and into new places where they will encounter new perspectives.  Some of this year’s festival highlights include: Next Sunday at 7.00pm – The Psychology of Peace in the Sermon on the Mount with Roddy Cowie in Fitzroy Presbyterian Church University Street.  Friday 24th January at 7.30pm – Burns Night with Philip Orr and Mike Gaston in Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Old Park Road.  Monday 27th January at 7.30pm – 4 corners, 4 stories with Church leaders in South Belfast Methodist, Lisburn Road.  Thursday 30th January at 7.30pm – Listening to your Enemies with Pat Magee and Jo Berry (chaired by Rev Lesley Carroll) in Skainos, Newtownards Road.  For full programme and other details see www.4cornersfestival.com.

5th January


VOL. 22 NO. 06  5TH JANUARY 2014


Father Ciaran Feeney Adm.   191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.  Tel. 9065 4157.   Website: www.st-colmcilles.net  E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com












Feast of the Epiphany






Anointing of the Sick

Confessions at 6.00pm








MONDAY IS THE FEAST THE EPIPHANY  – and is a Holy Day of Obligation.  Mass in the parish will be at 11.00am on Monday.

















The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome.  The next Baptismal Course takes place Tuesday 21st January 2014 in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.



St Colmcilles has set up a Bereavement Support group to be present for and to listen to anyone suffering bereavement after a death, regardless of how long ago the death occurred. The group is here for all, regardless of culture, faith or no faith and is made up of nine parishioners who have all been trained by NI Hospice professionals; on-going training and guidance will continue with the Hospice team.  If you wish to know more about Bereavement Support please telephone us on 074 5698 9458 or complete a Request form and place in the Bereavement Support Box situated at the back of the Church and one of the group will make contact with you. The members of the group are: Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan, Lucy Traynor.


Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds

in the evening please close the car park gates.



PARISH OFFICE OPENING HOURS  –  the office will reopen this Tuesday

DOWN & CONNOR DIOCESAN DIRECTORY  –  copies of the Down & Connor Diocesan Directory, price £3.00, are on sale at the back of the Church. Please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes. The Directory gives information about every parish in the Diocese, listing the names and addresses of the Priests and Religious, the times of Masses, Parish Schools, Pastoral and Spiritual organisations and useful contact numbers.

EVANGELII GAUDIUM  –  “The Joy of the Gospel” by Pope Francis, copies of the book are at the back of the Church.  Price £5 each, please put money in either of the Candelabra boxes

BOOKINGS FOR PAROCHIAL HALL  –  If you wish to use the Hall you must book directly with Pat Feenan between 7.00pm and 8.00pm on Monday to Friday (phone 9067 1036).  Pat will be available to take bookings from this Monday.

PARISH CENSUS  –  is constantly changing due to new families moving into the parish, and existing families moving homes.  The parish makes a conscious effort to ensure the information we hold is correct and up to date, but we need help from all families to ensure this is done.  If you have moved into the parish and have not registered, please complete a yellow census card at the back of the Church, and place in the bulletin box.  If you have moved house please fill out a white card at the back of the Church, and again leave in the bulletin box.  Parishioners who are moving out of the parish are asked to inform Philomena in the office when they have moved.  Your co-operation in keeping our census up to date is appreciated.

BAPTISM  –  we welcome into the parish family Darcy Catherine Dynan, Eleanor Rose Gowers and Caleb Greer who were baptised in St. Colmcilles last weekend.

DECEASED –   We pray for the repose of the soul of Kenneth Mains, a parishioner, who died on Thursday.  We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:

Mary Elliott,  Jackie Quigley,  Harry McKenna,  Fred Loder  and  Molly O’Flaherty.

MONEY MATTERS                        

Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.

The Monthly Stipend Collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend.


The November winners for the Parish Draw are as follows:

£100 – Roisin McMullan, £75 – Roisin Bogues and £25 – Fr Ciaran Feeney.

The December winners for the Parish Draw are as follows:

£100 – Colette O’Flaherty, £100 – Mary & Martin O’Brien, £100 – Aideen & Kevin O’Neill and £100 – Annette Dixon

Thank you for all your support over the last year and we look forward to your continuing support in 2014.


LITURGY FOR FAMILIES OF RECENTLY BAPTISED CHILDREN  –  there will be a Liturgy for Families of Recently Baptised Children in the Church next Saturday at 12.00 noon.   Tea and coffee will be served in the Parochial Hall afterwards. Everyone is very welcome.


PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL  –  will meet on Tuesday 14th January at 7.30pm


My brother, my sister, here at this crib, be silent!

Look! Pray!

Be open.  Allow the barriers to fall:

The barriers of comfort, the barriers of hate,

Those of your ready excuses and ready made prayers.

Be silent!  Look!  Pray!

Do you know what it means to be cold?

Do you appreciate what is means to sleep on rough straw?

Do you know the suffering of all who search for a place to stay, for a place to work?

Do you feel for those parents in the agony of not knowing what tomorrow holds for their children?

If you do not, then you risk passing before this crib without seeing the depth that is here.

You risk understanding nothing of what God has done in choosing to become one of us, in Jesus.

Be silent!  Look!  Pray!


ST. LOUISE’S COLLEGE  –  open night this Wednesday evening for app primary 7 pupils and their families.  All departments throughout the school will be open.  Any student who wish to transfer into sixth form are also most welcome.  Families are inviteed to the Principal’s address at 4.30pm or 6.30pm.

OUR LADY AND ST. PATRICK’S COOLEGE KNOCK – Year 7 Pupils and Parents are invited to the College’s Open Morning next Saturday from 9.15am to 12.30pm.  Principal’s Address 9.30 am and 11.00 am.  Prospective Year 13 students are also welcome.

ST. DOMINIC’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR GIRLS  –  the Principal and staff invite you to their annual Open Day next Saturday from 9.30am to 1.00pm.  Principal’s address at 9.30 am and 11.00 am.  P6 and P7 pupils welcome

ST. MALACHY’S COLLEGEwill hold two Open Nights for prospective pupils on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th January 2014. The Principal’s Address will begin at 7.00pm and Primary 6 and 7 pupils are welcome to attend.  Parking will be via Lincoln Avenue.


BREDAGH SLIMATHON & EXCERISE PROGRAMME 2014  –  Your first step to a healthier you in 2014!  Starts Monday 13th January 2014 in St Josephs College, Ravenhill Road.  Open to both members and non-members of Bredagh GAC.  12 week Programme – set your own targets and don’t worry if you haven’t done any exercise in a while – designed to suit all levels of fitness and all ages. So if you just want to lose some weight and/or get fit and have some fun just turn up  at St Josephs on the 13th  Jan at 6.30pm to register or e-mail  pbblaney@gmail.com   for more info.