Finance Committees


Canon Law requires each parish to have a Finance Committee to help the parish priest in the administration and care of the assets of the parish. The Parish Finance Committee is consulted before any major item of expenditure is incurred.

On a continuing basis the Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring that proper records of income and expenditure are maintained and that an account of administration is given to the parishioners at the end of each year.  The financial and Gift Aid records are now computerised.

The Finance Committee has a responsibility to ensure that the parish income remains in line with rising costs and to ensure proper planning and funding for major building or refurbishment projects.

The Finance Committee is chaired by the Parish Priest – other members are:

Marysia Borland

Caoimhe Cotter

Cathal Geoghegan

Philip O’Flaherty

Patricia White


The Offertory Collection was introduced in St. Colmcille’s in 1964.  Envelopes are used for the Weekly Offering, Monthly Offering, Holy Days and Charity Collections.  The parish depends completely upon the support of every member of the parish family to finance its  development and maintenance.

One way you can help, is to commit yourself to planned giving.  That means using Weekly Offertory Envelopes to contribute whatever amount you can afford to give to your parish each week.  Alternatively you may contribute by Standing order on your Bank.  If you pay tax you may join the Gift Aid Scheme which allows the parish to reclaim the Tax from the Inland Revenue on the money you have already contributed to the parish.

If you would like Offertory Envelopes or a Gift Aid Form please contact Philomena by email:


This committee, which was formed in 1993, looks after bookings and maintenance of the Parochial Hall.  Its members are drawn from organizations, which use the facility on a regular or occasional basis.  Other interested parishioners also serve on the committee.  The membership of the committee is:

To make a booking, or check on pricing and availability, please email