Social Groups and Organisations


Cygnets, caters for girls aged from 5 to 6½ years. This section meets on a Wednesday evening in the den from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

When the girls reach 6½ they have the opportunity to move to the Brigin section, which meets on Monday evenings from 6.30pm to 8.00pm.

At the age of 10½ the girls move to Guides. This section meets on a Wednesday evening from 7.30 to 9.00pm, when they can enjoy a programme full of fun and games with the emphasis on being out of doors as much as possible.

Once the girls are 14½ they can join Rangers; which meets on a Wednesday evening from 7.30 to 9.00pm. Rangers organise their own programme, with leaders being there to advise and guide them when possible.

If you are 17 or over, you may be interested in joining the Unit to help us out either in the background with organisation and administration or by working with one of the sections.

Please email or speak to Philomena on 077 6194 3649


We play Bowls as a social recreation and treat it purely as sport, not to be taken too seriously.
We play friendly matches Knocknagoney Club.
We meet every Thursday night at 7.00pm-9.00pm in the Parish Hall. Anyone who comes along will be made very welcome. Any enquiries can be made to our Hon. Sec. Deirdre McGuckin on 07479 329938.


St Colmcille’s Parent & Toddler Group welcomes anyone caring for a child from newborn to 4 years, to come along with the child and enjoy company, snacks and play.  We meet on Wednesdays during term time from 10am to 11.30am.  It’s a great way to meet other local families and to make new friends.  All mums, dads, grandparents, childminders and carers welcome, with their children.  Just drop in any Wednesday during term time – no need to book ahead.


The pre-school is part of the Department of Education’s  Preschool Education Programme and offers 48 funded places for children in their immediate pre-school year. It operates during the school term time and is open from 8:45am to 12:45 pm Monday to Friday.

Children are provided with opportunities for learning in all areas of the preschool curriculum and are supported by qualified, experienced staff which enables them to reach their full potential.

For further information contact  Lorraine Doherty, Preschool Coordinator & Early Years Specialist on 02890 472724 or 07926197434 during preschool hours or email:


The PTA Committee is a group of parents and teachers who volunteer to raise funds that can be used to support and enhance the education and school experience of children attending St Joseph’s Primary School. We are a registered charity (Charity number 108594) and rely on volunteers from the committee and the school community to raise vital We have enjoyed tremendous support from parents, teachers and the parish in general.

We co-operate with other parish organisations and the Hall Committee in running events, which are open to the whole parish. Through fund-raising we have helped the school to provide additional equipment for the children and to improve the school environment. Each year we make an active contribution, both financially and physically, to some of the main events of the school year – First Holy Communion, Summer Fun Day, Christmas fair and raffle, school discos. We gladly welcome new committee members with fresh energy and ideas.

For further information please email us at


The 11th Belfast, St. Colmcilles Scout Group was initially formed in 1934, but closed in the early years of the Second World War, due to concerns about blackout infringements. The Group was re-established in 1965 and has operated ever since.

The Group is part of Scouting Ireland, a 32 county all- Ireland Scout Association, open to all, irrespective of religious belief, nationality or gender.
Currently the Scout Group operates the following sections:

  • Beaver Scouts 6 to 8 years Tuesday 7.00 – 8.00pm
  • Cub Scouts 8 to 10½ years Thursday 7.00 – 8.30pm
  • Scouts 10½ to 15½ years Friday 7.00 – 9.00pm
  • Venture Scouts 15½ to 18 years Sunday evenings

Each section is led by qualified, trained adults (male and female) and each is open to boys and girls. At present, the Group has over 130 young people in membership. Each section runs a full and varied programme of activities aimed at the particular age group of the young people concerned, from games and crafts for the younger members to camping and adventurous outdoor pursuits for the older Scouts and Venture Scouts.
The Group places a strong emphasis on the outdoors and pursues an active programme of camps and expeditions far afield. In recent years the Venture Scouts travelled extensively in mainland Europe, visiting Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Spain, Denmark and Holland whilst the Scouts have camped all over GB and in addition have travelled to France, Denmark, Sweden and Austria.

If you want more information please email the following addresses as appropriate:

Beaver Scouts:

Cub Scouts:


Venture Scouts: ring Paul Browne on 07484113242


The Wednesday Club meets weekly in the Parish Centre and is primarily for people who have retired. People who come regularly see the club as a great opportunity to meet other people in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere and many new friendships have been formed. People who live alone find it a great opportunity to meet and chat with friends. Members are made aware of various events which are happening in the locality.
If this sounds like fun to you, then the Parish Centre from 2pm to 4pm on Wednesday is the place to be. You will be made most welcome, especially new male members. Contact Anna Donnelly on 9065 1351 if you want further information.


St Joseph’s Primary School currently has 164 children in seven classes. Our aim is to promote excellence at every level and in every area of school life, recognising that each child has his/her own unique set of qualities and talents. We try to develop in each child a sense of self-worth and to encourage the development in our children of confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline.
We enjoy an excellent partnership between home and school, in which parents and teachers work together for the benefit of all the children. We have a thriving and supportive Parents Association whose contribution to the life of the school community is valued and appreciated.
At St Joseph’s we place great emphasis on the Pastoral Care of the children. Our positive approach to discipline encourages good behaviour and work practices.
In addition to the full range of subjects of the NI Curriculum, the school offers football, swimming, basketball, cycling proficiency, badminton and music tuition in strings, brass and woodwind.
For more information contact Mr Paul Donaldson, School Principal on 9065 0039


The Social and Fundraising Committee run events in the parish such as the Parish BBQ and the Camel Race Night. They also organise the monthly Parish Draw. For more information please contact Roisin Mc Mullan : 07854 140019; Mary Walsh: 07815 493463.