Resumption of Public Worship – WELCOME BACK

Dear Parishioners of St. Colmcille’s, Visitors and Friends.
After an absence of around three and a half Months we are delighted to be able to welcome you back for Mass again. Mass will be open to the Faithful from Monday 6th July at 9.30am and our normal schedule will resume thereafter:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday at 9.30am 
  • Saturday Vigil at 6.30pm (Socially Distanced Confessions available at 6pm)
  • Sunday at 9.30am and 11.30am

You will appreciate that we also must comply with continued Government Restrictions, therefore we ask:

  • Do not attend Mass if you have a new persistent cough, a temperature or have lost your sense of taste or smell;
  • Please avoid attending Mass if you have been specifically advised to ‘Shield’ by your Medical Professional;
  • All those entering the church must use the hand sanitiser provided as you enter;
  • While in the church building and grounds please be respectful of the two metre ‘social distancing’ rule and follow the instructions provided regarding seating and the reception of Holy Communion;
  • You might wish to consider wearing a face covering or mask. 

We wish to remind you that the Bishop has suspended the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday. We recommend that you can, therefore, attend Mass on any weekday. This will help us to limit Sunday numbers. 
We thank you for your continued patience, perseverance and co-operation.

Every Blessing. 

Fr. Tony & Fr. Vincent