Attending Weekend Mass
We have now held 5 public Masses in the church since lockdown and this weekend will see our first weekend Masses. In order to help you prepare for these Masses we have drawn up the information below:
Before leaving the house please consider
1. Are you unwell? Do not come to Mass if you are displaying one or more symptoms of coronavirus i.e. a new persistent cough, a temperature or have lost your sense of taste or smell.
2. Have you been asked to shield? We ask you to please follow the advice of your medical professional. Please avoid attending Mass if you have been specifically advised to ‘Shield’.
3. Are you able to attend Mass on the weekday instead? The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is still suspended. We would encourage those people who are available to attend Mass during the weekday to join with us on the Webcam for the weekend Masses and leave space for those who can only come to a public Mass at the weekend.
4. Mass times are: Saturday 6.30pm and Sunday 9.30am & 11.30am. People will be admitted to the church on a first come first served basis. Once the church is full we will close the doors.
5. There are no toilets available.
If you have considered the information above and are coming to Mass here is what to expect:
Entering the church
– As you approach the doors please be mindful of social distancing and keep 2metres away from others who are not in your household or social bubble.
– There will be ushers at the door who will spray sanitiser on your hands. Please rub this on your hands thoroughly.
– There will be no Missals available (although you are welcome to bring your own).
– There will be ushers to guide you on where to sit.
– Seating is only available on every other pew.
– A wooden marker has been put down closing each pew off at the middle. You can enter the pew from either side but cannot pass the middle.
– There will be no standing room and no additional chairs. You can bring a cushion if the pews are uncomfortable for you.
– Each half pew can hold either: a) 2 households with a combined total of 4 people; OR b) 1 household of 3 people or more.
– If the pew is empty as you approach it please move to the middle section.
– Do not leave your seat until instructed by an usher (except in the case of an emergency or urgent situation). This includes for communion and at the end of Mass.
– Pews, kneelers and doors will be cleaned in between each of the Masses. If you decide to bring your own wipes to clean down your seat, please ensure that they do not cause lasting damage to the wooden seats/varnish.
– If you are not planning to join the communion procession please sit in the middle section of your pew.
– A system has been tried and tested at the weekday Masses that we ask you all to follow
– The priest and ushers will guide you when to leave your seat and process to communion.
– Communion is not available on the tongue. Please take communion in your hand and place it in your mouth yourself before returning to your seat.
– There will be no Ministers of the Eucharist or of the Word. If you are unable to join the procession but want communion brought to you then please let the usher know.
Offertory Procession/Envelopes
– There will be no offertory procession until further notice
– Baskets will be available at the back of the church after Mass and any offerings can be placed into this as you leave.
– Any donation to The Larder can be placed in the usual place in the porch for the St Vincent De Paul volunteers to bring to the foodbank during the week.
We would like to thank you for your cooperation this weekend and into the future. St Colmcille’s has always been a strong parish community and, as a group, we together make the body of the Church. These guidelines will help us to make sure that we take care of the entire body of our Church at this time.