24th November 2013
VOL. 21 NO. 52 24TH NOVEMBER 2013
Father Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB. Tel. 9065 4157. Website: www.st-colmcilles.net E-mail: stcolmcilles@hotmail.com
Saturday |
Sunday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
6.30pm Willie John Duffy |
9.30am Hugh Patrick Close |
9.30am Peter Kelly |
9.30am Anointing of the Sick |
Confessions at 6.00pm |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
6.00pm |
9.00am |
9.00am |
9.00am |
9.00am |
St Colmcille’s has set up a Bereavement Support group to be present for and to listen to anyone suffering bereavement after a death, regardless of how long ago the death occurred. The group is here for all, regardless of culture, faith or no faith and is made up of nine parishioners who have all been trained by NI Hospice professionals; on-going training and guidance will continue with the Hospice team. One of the group will speak briefly at the Masses this weekend and the group will be commissioned at the 11.30 Mass. If you wish to know more about Bereavement Support please telephone us on 074 5698 9458 or complete a Request form and place in the Bereavement Support Box situated at the back of the Church and one of the group will make contact with you. The members of the group are: Regiena Babu, Eileen Brogan, Eithne Daly, Maire Devine, Brenda McMeekin, David McMeekin, Celine Molloy, Joan Rogan, Lucy Traynor.
The Anointing of the Sick will take place directly after the Friday Morning Mass each week. If you know of anyone who would benefit from receiving this Sacrament please bring them.
Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds
in the evening please close the car park gates.
There will be a special collection at all Masses this weekend for the people of the Philippines in the aftermath of the Super Typhoon Haiyan and for the grave crisis in Syria. Trociare have provided gift aid envelopes which are available at the back of the church for you to return this week.
SERVICE OF PRAYER AND REFLECTION FOR THE FILIPINO COMMUNITY will be held this Sunday evening at 7.00pm in Stormont Presbyterian Church
GIFT – Growing in Faith Together is a fun-filled parish based faith programme for post Confirmation young people. It offers children in Year 8 (1st year) the opportunity to connect more fully with parish and to develop their Catholic faith. There are six sessions which will be delivered in Term 2. Do you have experience working with young people or are you a Parent / Guardian of a year 8 student? If you could help with this programme, please contact Noeleen on 078 7949 8131. Training with the resource materials will be provided.
MINISTRY OF OUTREACH – every home in the parish will shortly be visited by a member of the Outreach Team. However more volunteers to do this work are required. If you can give of your time (approximately 2 hours) to help please put your name, address and telephone number on the sheet at the back of the Church.
VOCATIONS – “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” Will you make Christ the King and His merciful love remembered as a priest? Call Father John Murray, Vocations Director on 9091 3761 or e-mail Fr. John to vocations@frmurray.co.uk.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ANNUAL COLLECTION – in local Ballyhackamore shops takes place from 9.00am to 5.00pm at Tesco Express and Spar next Saturday and at Marks and Spencers on Saturday 7th December. If you would be prepared to help for 1 hour on either of the dates please put your name and telephone number on the sheet at the back of the church together with the time that suites you and Paddy Donnelly will provide you with a collection box and badges in ample time before the collection.
LIVING YOUTH – Are you aged 18 to 24 and interested in meeting other young adults from across the Diocese, volunteering in your parish and community, getting involved in fun activities and learning more about the Catholic faith? Why not do the Papal Cross – the Pope John Paul II Award for young adults. The programme will be coordinated through the Living Youth office and will include an exciting programme of activities with speakers, leadership training, residentials and lots more. To find out more, register your name and details with Claire at 9023 2432 or email info@livingyouthni.org and come to the meeting next Sunday from 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Living Youth Office, Berry Street entrance) to find out more and register for the Award.
SPECIAL MASS OF REMEMBRACE – is being organised by St Paul’s Disability Care group will be held this Friday evening in St Paul’s Church, Falls Road, Belfast at 7.30pm. This Mass will remember all those with a disability or special needs who have died. If you would like your friend or family member remembered in this Mass, please contact Mary on 078 6614 6924, Bernadette on 9028 5374 or Frances on 077 1891 4692.
DECEASED – We pray for the repose of the souls of Liz Boyle, sister of parishioners, Paddy Brady and Willie John Duffy, who died recently. We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:
Hugh Patrick Close, Nasor Tio, Ellen Doherty, Brenda Simpson, Peter Ferrie,
Elizabeth Ferrie, Jim McCrarren, Marie O’Neill and Bridgh O’Neill
Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.
The Monthly Offering Collection will be taken up at all Masses next weekend.
DAILY MEDITATION FOR ADVENT – copies of “Bible Alive” are available at the back of the church. Please put money in any of the Candelabra boxes.
WALK WITH ME – A journey of Prayer for Advent and Christmas. Copies are available at the back of the church. Price £1. Please put money in any of the Candelabra boxes.
TAP CHRISTMAS GIFT CARDS –will be available over the weekends of Advent after all the Masses. We look forward to the usual generous support for this annual fundraising event. An added significance to the need for this appeal is the recent news that the mission was subjected to an armed robbery. Thankfully Fr. John was unhurt but traumatised and lost money, laptop computer, camera and other valuables. Please keep him in your prayers and also the safety of all who are part of the Mission.
PREPARE A WAY FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD – with our Advent Service, to be held herein the Church, Sunday 8th December at 7.30pm. A lovely programme of Advent Hymns and Carols will be presented in a service which should last approx. one hour. Parish families, friends and all denominations are most welcome.
ST. JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL OPEN MORNING – on Thursday 5th December from 10.30am to 11.45am. All welcome. Is your child due to start primary school in September 2014? If so, you have a very important decision to make in January – which school you think is most appropriate for your child. Have you considered St. Joseph’s, your local primary school? Enrolment forms have to be completed in January 2014 listing your preferred schools. To help you in this process why not come along to the school during the Open Morning where you will be an opportunity for you the principal, ask questions, collect an Application Form/BELB Booklet and see around the school.
ST COLMCILLE’S PRE-SCHOOL PLAYGROUP – Will you child be in their pre-school year in September 2014? The pre-school invites you to an open day on Tuesday 10th December between 3.30 and 4.30 pm and in the evening between 6.30 and 7.30 pm to view the premises, meet the staff and collect an application form for enrolment in September 2014. Please telephone Kathy on 9047 2724 if this date doesn’t suit and arrange an alternative time to visit the group.
YOUTH – both the junior and senior groups meet this Saturday from 7.15pm to 9.00pm in the hall.
DTIM – The ‘Do This In Memory of Me’ pre sacramental programme for children preparing for the sacrament of Holy Communion, will take place at the 9.30am Mass this Sunday.
ADVENT– take some time out for prayer and reflection on Thursday mornings during Advent in the Iona room at 10.00am – refreshments provided, beginning this Thursday morning.
APOSTOLIC WORK – CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING – will take place after all the Masses next weekend. There will be cakes, jewellery, books and toys, some seasonal goods and, of course, the Tombola and raffle for a hamper and other prizes. There will be tea and coffee as usual. If anyone wishes to provide cakes or other items for the sale please speak to a member of Apostolic Work or bring it to the hall on Saturday 30th November. There have been an increasing number of requests for help to Apostolic headquarters from missionaries recently, so your continued support will be very important. New members or anyone who can help in other ways are always welcome.
BELMONT AND DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CHURCHES – will hold their Advent Service next Sunday 2nd December, in Stormont Presbyterian Church at 7.00pm.
ST COLMCILLE’S GUIDE UNIT – will be holding their Enrolment Ceremony on Sunday 8th December, at the 11.30am Mass. The unit would like to invite all parishioners to this celebration and everyone is welcome to join us for refreshments in the Den afterwards. Come over and find out more about what the Guide Unit gets up to, you never know you might like to join us!
60+ CHRISTMAS PARTY – will be held on Sunday 8th December in the Parochial Hall commencing at 4.30pm and finishing at approximately 8.00pm. The night will include a 3 course dinner, entertainment and a visit from Santa. Tickets are available from Roisin McMullan 078 5414 0019, Mary Walsh 078 1549 3463 or Lucy Traynor 079 0080 7589. If you require transport please let us know when your book your place. We look forward to seeing you there.
ST COLMCILLE’S GUIDE UNIT – 15 Rangers from the unit attended the National Ranger weekend in Knockree Hostel in Wicklow, last weekend. The girls really enjoyed meeting others from other units around the country. They also enjoyed the activities they did, which were a leadership talk/activity, talk on self-esteem, stop the violence and they loved the aromatherapy relaxation where they did a hand and arm massage and got to mix different oils. They enjoyed the night line walk on the Saturday night where we stopped off on part of the walk to sit down and sing campfire songs, learning new ones from the other units, as well as singing some well-known one, it was great fun. The highlight of the weekend was when it was announced that Ellen Blair had won the National competition to design a link badge for Guides moving to Rangers. Ellen was presented with the first badge and a certificate by Cecilia Browne, our Chief Commissioner. Congratulations to Ellen, and the whole unit is very proud of her achievement.
SHARING FAIR EVENT – Sister Catherine and Good Shepherd Sisters wish to thank you for your great support for Sharing Fair last week-end. Crafts sold and donations received amounted to £2,323.00 which was excellent. We hope you enjoy the beautiful crafted items you purchased—they were all made with hands of great hope by women and young girls whose lives are greatly enhanced by the sale of these crafts. Be assured of a daily remembrance in our community prayers. You can contact Sharing Fair by calling to 19 Rossmore Drive; by e-mail: sharingfair@btconnect.com or by phone: 9069 4036.
CURIOUS CHRISTIANS – study group will not meet again until the New Year, due to the preparations for pantomimes and Christmas
IN JOYFUL HOPE: A NEW STEP IN EUCHARISTIC COMMUNION – the next celebration will be held in Knock Methodist Church this Tuesday evening at 8.00pm. Everyone welcome.
DIVINE HEALING MINISTRIES – warmly invite everyone to attend a special service of healing on the theme: ‘Because of their faith’. It will be held in St. Peter’s Cathedral, this Wednesday evening at 7.00pm and the speaker will be Father Ciaran Dallat. Prayer for healing and blessing with oil will be available at the end of this service.
THE NEARNESS OF GOD AT ADVENT – stop in the middle of a busy weekend for a light-hearted look at Christmas, at life, at God. Led by Breige O’Hare in Clonard Monastery, next Saturday from 10.30am to 3.30pm. Cost £10. Bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee provided. To book, contact Clonard at 9044 5950 or Breige 075 6550 2662 or breigeohare@athomewithgod.co.uk
KNOCK ALL NIGHT VIGIL – buses will depart from King Street and Kennedy Way on Saturday 7th December at 3.00pm returning to Belfast on Sunday 8th December at 12.00 noon. Price £39, this includes dinner and breakfast. To book please phone 9066 5211 between 9.00am and 5.00pm or 9059 5942 after 6.00pm or call into 13 King Street. £5 deposit required. Vigil starts at 11.00pm and consists of the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Benediction and finishes with Mass at 4.00am
PARISH OF BANGOR – is delighted to present A Celtic Christmas by Father Liam Lawton in St Comgall’s Parish Centre on Thursday 12th December at 8.00pm (Doors open 7.30pm). Tickets Available Priced £20 from the following locations: St Comgall’s Parish Office – Brunswick Road, Bangor -stcomgalls@btconnect.com or 9146 5522 (Mon to Fri 9.30am to 1pm); St Colmcille’s Parish Office, Holywood – on 9042 2167; St Patrick’s Parish Office, Newtownards – 9181 2137 and tickets also available at Mace Brunswick Road, Bangor. For more details please contact Christine McClean on 079 0202 1958 or 9146 5013.
NORTHERN IRELAND CANCER PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES – from Thursday 22nd May to Tuesday 27th May 2014. We aim to help cancer patients and their carers make a pilgrimage to Lourdes and to provide nursing and medical support for them. Medical, nursing and other Oncology staff will travel with us on the Pilgrimage. Return flights from Belfast (Aldergrove). Full board at the Hotel Agena based on twin-bedded and treble rooms. Travel insurance cover and the service of tour operators in Lourdes. Chairman:- Dr Seamus McAleer. Spiritual Director: V. Rev Sean McCartney. To enquire or to obtain a booking form, please speak to a member of the Committee on 075 1675 9646 or e-mail:- mail@nicancerpilgrimage.org.uk. Full Price £599: Reductions are available for Cancer Patients.