VOL. 21 NO. 50 10TH NOVEMBER 2013
Father Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB. Tel. 9065 4157. Website: E-mail:
Saturday |
Sunday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
6.30pm Christopher Robinson |
9.30am Ita O’Brien
9.30am Anointing of the Sick |
Confessions at 6.00pm |
11.30am Michael Rooney |
The Sacrament of Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions both for the family and the Parish and everyone is welcome. The Baptismal Course takes place on the third Tuesday of each month in the Iona Room from 8.00pm to 9.30pm, where parents will receive their Baptismal pack and can arrange the date for their child’s Baptism. Baptisms in the Parish take place on the first and last Sunday of each month and attendance at the course is arranged through Philomena in the Parish Office.
Saturday |
Sunday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
6.00pm |
9.00am |
9.00am |
9.00am |
9.00am |
The Anointing of the Sick will take place directly after the Friday Morning Mass each week. If you know of anyone who would benefit from receiving this Sacrament please bring them.
Could those who are last to leave the Parish grounds
in the evening please close the car park gates.
NOVEMBER IS THE MONTH OF DEVOTION TO THE HOLY SOULS – during the month of November Mass will be celebrated each day for the repose of the souls of those deceased whose names have been included in the November Dead Lists. Lists are available at the back of the Church. If you wish to donate an offering for the Masses, please include it with the List in the envelope provided. Completed Lists can be placed in the collection baskets or in the box in the Sanctuary area.
ANNUAL MASS FOR DECEASED MEMBERS OF OUR PARISH FAMILY – will be celebrated on Tuesday 19th November at 7.00 pm. This is an opportunity for our parish family to pray for our own deceased relatives and friends as well as the deceased members of our parish who have prayed with us and celebrated the liturgy with us throughout the years.
ST. MALACHY’S COLLEGE – will hold their Annual Mass for deceased former students and staff this Monday in the College Chapel at 7.30pm.
DOWN AND CONNOR PIONEERS – the Annual Diocesan Mass for deceased Pioneers will take place this Tuesday in St Comgall’s Church, Antrim at 7.00pm. All Pioneers and their families are invited to attend.
VOCATIONS – “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God.” Are you being called to love the Lord with an undivided heart as a priest? Call Father John Murray, Vocations Director on 9091 3761 or e-mail Fr. John to
SHOE BOX APPEAL – please take a leaflet in the porch, to find out how you can participate in this scheme, to give a gift-filled shoe box to a disadvantaged child this Christmas. Deadline for donating boxes next Sunday. Please leave your filled shoe box in the Church porch or Sacristy.
SUICIDE AWARENESS AND SUPPORT GROUP – are holding a Mass of Hope next Sunday at 3.00pm in Clonard Monastery. Everyone welcome to attend. If you need any more details please contact 9023 9967.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – enrolment ceremony for children who are preparing to receive the sacrament this school year, takes place during the 6.30pm Mass next Saturday.
BAPTISM – we welcome into the parish family Laura Anne Guinane and Tess Catherine Joannides who were baptised in St. Colmcilles last weekend.
DECEASED – We pray for the repose of the souls of Chris Graham, a parishioner, who died last Sunday, Grace McCullough, Patricia Holywood, Mary Mount, and Zenaida Mallari who died recently. We also remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year especially:
Christopher Robinson, Ita O’Brien Dan Conway, Colm Kerr and Michael Rooney
Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collections.
BISHOPS COMMISSION COLLECTION – will be taken up at all Masses next weekend. This collection helps defray the contributions from the Diocese for the work of the various National Episcopal Commissions. To help it fulfil its aims more effectively, the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has established various commissions, agencies, councils and other bodies which focus on specific tasks and areas of responsibility within the mission of the Church. These are grouped into five departments as follows: Department of Catholic Education and Formation; Department of Pastoral Care; Department of Planning, Communications and Resources; Department of Social Issues and International Affairs and Department of Worship, Pastoral Renewal and Faith Development. The Diocese is obligated to pay the amount levied (2012 – £152,778) by the Bishops’ Conference each year and this annual collection helps cover part of the annual levy.
YOUTH –both the junior and senior youth groups meet this Saturday evening from 7.15pm to 9.00pm in the Hall.
UNITY PILGRIMS – this Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. It is our tradition for as many as possible to attend services at our neighbouing Churches on this day. Please if you can find the time to attend a service put your name on the list at the back of the Church together with the Church you will be attending and which service. Times of services are at the top of the list.
11TH BELFAST SCOUT GROUP – St. Colmcilles, Scouting Ireland. The Scout Group will hold its’ annual investiture in the Parochial Hall this Sunday beginning at 3.00pm sharp. All parents and friends of the group are warmly invited. Following the investiture, the Group will hold its’ annual general meeting. With over 115 youth members and 19 adult leaders in membership, the Group is currently in very good shape. Plans for the future include the scout troop camping in Austria during the summer of 2014. Already 34 scouts have signed up to this adventure, to be accompanied by a team of 9 leaders!
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – will meet this Tuesday at 7.30pm
SHARING FAIR EVENT – The Sisters of the Good Shepherd, will hold a sale of lovely hand-crafted items made in Good Shepherd Centres in the developing world next weekend in the Parochial Hall after all Masses. As a way of reaching out to young girls and women in poor countries made vulnerable to exploitation because of poverty and powerlessness the Sisters have developed Self-Help projects in twenty or so countries where they produce beautifully hand-woven fabric for personal and household items, skilfully crafted educational and other toys, beautiful items suitable for Christmas gifts, Christmas decorations etc. The success of the projects enables these women, young girls and their children to live with dignity and hope. You make a real difference in their lives when you purchase their top-quality crafts at the sale.
SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER GROUP – our next meeting will be on Tuesday 19th November at 8.00 pm, in the Committee Room. New members are always welcome
60+ CHRISTMAS PARTY – will be held on Sunday 8th December in the Parochial Hall commencing at 4.30pm and finishing at approximately 8.00pm. The night will include a 3 course dinner, entertainment and a visit from Santa. Tickets are available from Roisin McMullan 078 5414 0019, Mary Walsh 078 1549 3463 or Lucy Traynor 079 0080 7589. If you require transport please let us know when your book your place. We look forward to seeing you there.
NIGHT WITH FRIENDS IN AID OF LEUKAEMIA & LYMPHOMA NI – the committee on behalf of Fintan would like to thank everyone for attendance, donations, prizes and sponsorship. The night was a tremendous success, with excellent venue, great food, good entertainment and wonderful company enjoyed by all particularly because the amount of money raised including gift aid was in excess of £6,000. Thanks again for all the support we received.9
THE LION ON THE HILL – (C S Lewis) a celebration with Professor Allister McGrath in partnership with the Hub at Queen’s and The Good Bookshop, Belfast will be held this Sunday in St. Mark’s Church at 7.30pm. For more information phone St Mark’s on 9065 9047.
CURIOUS CHRISTIANS– the “Curious Christians” study group will continue this Monday at 8.00pm in the Stye Brae Centre, Gilnahirk where tea and coffee will be available from 7.45pm. The discussion which will centre on “How the bible is misused by politicians and others” will be led by Alastair Kilgore. Everybody will be welcome.
YOUTH 2000 – invites all young adults between ages of 16 to 35 to a Catholic weekend Retreat taking place this Friday to next Sunday at De La Salle High School, Downpatrick. This will be an exciting weekend attracting over 150 young people from all over the country. For more details phone 075 9887 6399 or check the website The weekend is being organised by young people for young people. Parental consent is essential for all those under 18. All meals provided for and accommodation is on site. Don’t let money by an obstacle; just bring any donation and a sleeping bag.
CHORAL SINGING WORKSHOP FOR CHRISTMAS – with Loreto McAuley and David Stewart next Saturday, at Drumalis, from 10.00am to 4:30pm. Enjoy a day of singing new Christmas carols and songs in the beautiful chapel in Drumalis. This workshop is particularly useful for church/school choirs and individuals looking for material for the Christmas & Advent season. If you enjoy singing and you enjoy Christmas then why not come along for the music & the hospitality. Cost, including lunch and music, is £30. This event is supported by Larne Borough Council For further details or to book a place, please contact Drumalis on 2827 2196 or booking forms can also be downloaded from
ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH CENTRE, CARRYDUFF – Annual Concert will be held in the Parish Centre Carryduff next Sunday at 7.30pm. Doors open at 7.00pm. Proceeds in aid of upgrading facilities in the Centre. This year St. Agnes’ Choral Society presents Musical Memories. Tickets £12.50 each to include light refreshments. For Tickets please ring Charlie Clarke on 078 5020 3835 or email or Pat Polin on 077 7179 4366.
THE GUILD OF CATHOLIC NURSES – (Belfast Branch) are holding their Annual Mass & Blessing of Hands on Monday 18th November at 7.30pm in the Hospital Church, Belfast City Hospital – all nurses are welcome to attend.
FORTWILLIAM MUSICAL SOCIETY – will be staging an evening of music and song from Tuesday 19th to Saturday 23rd of November in the Courtyard Theatre, Ballyearl. Come along and enjoy a wonderful evening of music which will appeal to all ages and tastes. Book online or phone 02890340202. Tickets priced £10/£12.
FAITH PERSPECTIVES ON SOCIAL NEED AND SOCIAL POLICY – Conference being organised by the Community Faiths’ Forum. This is a half day conference in Skainos, Newtowanrds Road on Thursday 21st November from 10.00am to 1.30pm followed by lunch. To book please send the following information to or phone 9074 0077 with your name, organisation or group (if any), email address, postal address, phone number. Further information is available from notice in porch.
THE NEARNESS OF GOD AT ADVENT – stop in the middle of a busy weekend for a light-hearted look at Christmas, at life, at God. Led by Breige O’Hare in Clonard Monastery, on Saturday 30th November from 10.30am to 3.30pm. Cost £10. Bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee provided. To book, contact Clonard at 9044 5950 or Breige 075 6550 2662 or
KNOCK ALL NIGHT VIGIL – buses will depart from King Street and Kennedy Way on Saturday 7th December at 3.00pm returning to Belfast on Sunday 8th December at 12.00 noon. Price £39, this includes dinner and breakfast. To book please phone 9066 5211 between 9.00am and 5.00pm or 9059 5942 after 6.00pm or call into 13 King Street. £5 deposit required. Vigil starts at 11.00pm and consist of the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Benediction and finishes with Mass at 4.00am
PARISH OF BANGOR – is delighted to present A Celtic Christmas by Father Liam Lawton in St Comgall’s Parish Centre on Thursday 12th December at 8.00pm (Doors open 7.30pm). Tickets Available Priced £20 from the following locations: St Comgall’s Parish Office – Brunswick Road, Bangor or 9146 5522 (Mon to Fri 9.30am to 1pm); St Colmcille’s Parish Office, Holywood – on 9042 2167; St Patrick’s Parish Office, Newtownards – 9181 2137 and tickets also available at Mace Brunswick Road, Bangor. For more details please contact Christine McClean on 079 0202 1958 or 9146 5013.
CAMARA – are a Local Charity who take old computers, wipe the data, refurbish them and set them up in schools in Africa as computer labs. Combined with accredited training courses and ongoing maintenance we have taught over half a million young people how to use a computer. This vital skill in today’s world opens up unending opportunities for the young people whilst also building a better future for the country. To do this amazing work we need old computers. There is huge demand from Africa for Camara computers as we send them preloaded with software and train the teachers how to use them. From 11th November we will run our annual “one week, one thousand computers” campaign. “This week is “One Week, One Thousand Computers” week with Local Charity Camara. This annual event tries to find 1,000 unused and unwanted pcs and laptops for reuse in deprived schools in Africa. Camara wipe and repair computers of all ages, shapes and sizes, load them with educational software and ship them to one of Camara’s seven African Hubs where they are distributed to the most deprived schools. We are asking people to dig out their old computers that are gathering dust and visit for details of where to drop their computers off. Please contact us on 9581 1812 to arrange a collection or drop off time if you cannot drop off between 9.30 and 4.30 any week day.
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